Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Знаки часу у вченні Папи Івана ХХІІІ
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Волинець, Оксана
    Проаналізовано позицію Римського понтифіка Івана ХХІІІ у розпізнаванні і прочитанні “знаків часу” як світових подій та явищ, які становлять загрозу світовій безпеці і мирному співіснуванню міжнародної спільноти. У контексті відповіді на знаки часу, застосовуючи аналітичний, структурно-функціональний, системний методи та контент-аналіз, досліджуються, подані у працях Івана ХХІІІ рекомендації та механізми врегулювання міжнародних конфліктів та забезпечення миру і міжнародної безпеки. The article analyzes encyclicals of Pope of Rome John XXIII, which are dedicated to the issue of threats to international security and global peace. John XXIII investigated treatment of the concept of “signs of timе” and their interpretation in terms of the ColdWar and the Caribbean crisis. The main provisions of letters and encyclicals of John XXIII are analyzed, applying analytical, systematic, structural and functional methods and content analysis. As a result, their significant contribution to peace and security is revealed. The Pope provides characteric view on scientific and technological progress of mankind in all its positive and negative aspects, such as arms race, emergence of modern weapons of mass destruction, division of the world into parties and blocks, etc. Those characteristics were treated as unique signs of the time which requires immediate and adequate solution for the whole universal community, international organizations, each state itself, and the Church. Thus, the Pope John XXIII interprets all these negative trends of the modern world as amoral problemwhich destroys balance between politics andmorality. Further on, we investigate position of the Pope John XXIII concerning the need for renewal of the Church and its missionary activities in the context of social and political development. The Second Vatican Council, its Declarations, decrees and constitutions became the result of Pope’s aspirations. Those achievements have opened new opportunities for the Church within new social and political conditions of human society development. Special attention is given to the analysis of John XXIII’s encyclical “Peace on Earth”. It proposes methods, ways, and mechanisms to overcome international conflicts and rebuild the global security system. It is alleged that Pope John XXIII’s recommendations are still relevant today and international community can use them to achieve peace, universal order and ensure global security.
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    Концепція миру та безпеки в Магістеріумі Католицької Церкви
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Волинець, Оксана
    Використовуючи системний та структурно-функціональний методи на контент-аналіз, досліджено позицію Католицької Церкви щодо глобальної проблеми загрози війни і необхідності гарантування безпеки народам і націям. З’ясовано, що концепція Магістеріуму виходить з позиції гарантування та дотримання прав людини і ґрунтується на принципах моральності політики, дотримання міжнародних угод, солідарності та гуманізму. In modern threats for existing world order, the acute problem of preserving the world peace and security guarantee for all nations and peoples emerges. This particular research examines the concept of peace and security by using a systematic, structural, and functional methods and content analysis which was proposed by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Through the analyzing basic documents of the Roman Pontiffs, the author concludes that the conception proposed by them was based on the need to protect and promote human rights. In addition, it is based on the principles of moral policy of solidarity and humanism. The role and importance of the United Nations in promoting peace is explored. The position of the Catholic Church on the need to rethink the contents of the UN regulations and introduce new mechanisms for overcoming international conflicts as well. In this context, the role of the armed forces is analyzed. The forces, according to Roman Pontiffs hierarchs, have to be designed not for war, but to guarantee national security and conduction of peacekeeping missions. This particular work analyzes the phenomenon of terrorism as a new type of war and the associated problem of refugees. This viewpoint is based on the concept of peace and security in the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. It turns out that the Church insists on the need to ensure all refugees’ fundamental rights guaranteed by international humanitarian law. The universal mechanisms to overcome international conflicts are considered. These mechanisms include the creation of an effective world power that would act as a moral authority for the international community and operate towards peace and security. Those universal mechanisms were proposed by the Catholic Church.
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    Глобальні проблеми сучасності з позиції католицизму
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Волинець, Оксана
    Проаналізовано офіційну позицію католицизму, викладену у працях Римських Архієреїв щодо сучасних глобальних проблем, причин їх виникнення та можливих шляхів подолання. Досліджено проблему війни і миру, захисту довкілля та стверджено, що їх аналіз Римськими Архієреями відбувається на засадах принципів теоцентризму та теогуманізму. The paper discusses the official position of Catholicism within the framework of modern global problems, set forth in the works of Roman bishops. This paper also addresses a number of issues like analysis of the problems related to war, peace, environment protection and others, presented by Roman bishops on the ground of theocentric and theohumanistic principles.