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    Алгоритм програмної реалізації багатоантенного каналу з завадами
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Сторчак, К. П.; Макаренко, А. О.; Гринкевич, Г. О.; Примаченко, В. І.
    Викладено матеріали проведених досліджень методів математичного моделювання сучасних систем широкосмугового безпроводового доступу. Наведено опис роботи розробленого алгоритму програмної реалізації багатоантенного каналу. Відмінною рисою цього алгоритму є врахування під час цифрової обробки сигналів кореляційних властивостей багатоантенного каналу зв’язку. The research findings in the sphere of mathematical modeling of modern broadband wireless access have been revealed in the article. Detailed description of algorithm program realized in multiantenna channel has been provided. The distinctive feature of this algorithm is taking into account the digital signal processing correlation properties ofmulti-antenna channel. It is obvious that no country can do without broadband infrastructure. The infrastructure includes broadband digital backbone of modern information economy. Today broadband infrastructure is essential to any modern economy, which plays the same role as water, transport or energy networks. Everything mentioned above more than ever is important for broadband wireless technologies of data transmission (BWDT). The network operated by varieties of protocol IEEE 802.11 is the most common among BWDT The most promising directions are increasing network capacity (standard 802.11ad) and development of protocol IEEE 802.11s standard IEEE 802.11, known as mesh-network. A necessary condition for successful development of complex technical systems for any purpose is the development and widespread adoption of software designing methods by using mathematical modeling. In the simulation environment of the software the simulation model circuit has input, output and processing blocks. Nowadays, BWDT system built according to the standards of 3GPP LTE, IEEE 802.11, and others are rapidly developing. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing method (OFDM) combines these standards. With the growth of speed of BWDT there is substantial need for development of theMultiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) method. Based on the model of MIMO-channel program the algorithm of MIMO-channel is realized. While using the algorithm I have obtained the graph of comparing circuit noise immunity of data transmission and range of the signal at the output OFDM-modulator and demodulator at the entrance, after the action on the signal attenuation and interference with the distribution of the communication channel.