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    Особливості організаційних змін у системах корпоративного управління
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Олексів, І. Б.; Лісович, Т. Ю.
    Проаналізовано особливості здійснення організаційних змін на корпоративних підприємствах. Економічно інтерпретовано кластери, отримані в результаті кластерного аналізу групи корпоративних підприємств машинобудівної галузі. Запропоновано напрями розвитку систем управління корпоративними підприємствами в результаті впровадження організаційних змін. In the article, particularities of conducting organizational changes in corporate enterprises are analyzed. The achievement of purposes stated in the article were achieved on the following stages: cluster analysis of machine-building corporate companies, economical interpretation of clusters received as the result of cluster analysis of group of corporate companies from machine-building industry, development of proposals concerning the development of corporate management systems depending on clusters to which the relevant corporation belongs. Cluster analysis was conducted for 40 corporations, which belong to machine-building industry. The aim of cluster analysis was to classify machine-building corporations depending on their financial ability and financial independence. As the result of cluster analysis, four clusters were received. Cluster analysis for 40 enterprises was conducted in 2012 and 2013. After the analysis, corporations were joined in comparative table. The latter permitted to evaluate financial ability and financial independence of corporations in 2012 and in 2013. In addition, the directions for the development of corporate management system that can be achieved as the result of organizational changes implementation were proposed. As the result of analysis of modern trends in economic situation in Ukraine and international relations with partner countries it can be stated that corporations will need to realize radical steps for adaptation to external environment. Such steps are proposed to do in the following directions: change of organization corporate culture, orientation of corporations on new sales markets, restructuring corporations and change of type of their activity. Such changes should be bound to specific objects of changes. The objects of changes are the following: technical development, innovative development, investment development, information systems, development of intellectually oriented objectives. Such complex of activities can be applied for all objectives and for separate objectives depending on the capabilities of corporations both in general and in its separate parts. As the result of corporate changes, the following results can be achieved: significant change of key indicators and movement of corporations to “better” clusters. The final aim of corporations is to achieve cluster two, which is the cluster with the corporations who have the best financial capability and are independent.
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    Теоретичні засади здійснення організаційно-економічних змін на підприємстві
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Олексів, І. Б.; Лісович, Т. Ю.
    Розкрито сутність поняття “організаційно-економічні зміни” на підприємстві. Визначено причини організаційно-економічних змін в організації. Розглянуто теорії управління організаційними змінами в організації. The essence of the concept of “organizational and economic changes” in the company. Definitely cause changes in the organizational and economic changes. The theory of organizational change management in the organization.