Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Трансформація буттєвих виявів людини в просторі мережевої культури
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Онищук, Оксана
    Проаналізовано особливості мережевої культури, її вплив на соціокультурний простір людини, на ціннісні й комунікативні буттєві прояви. Виокремлено особливості функціонування та основні риси мережевої культури. Показано, що новий тип соціальних відносин змінює моделі поведінки людей, трансформує цінності, генерує нові культурні коди і звички. The article analyzes features of the network culture and its impact on socio-cultural space of a human being, on values and communication existential expressions. Peculiarities of functioning and basic features of network culture are determined. The main features are: publicity, space compression, acceleration of the time, nonlinearity, semantic and axiological pluralism, impairing of the value of individuality (strengthening the value of belonging to a community instead), links with other subjects and group correlation as a result of inability of existing hierarchies of traditional structures (such as official ones) to solve human problems, publicity, dialoging, emotionality, globalism. A new type of social networking changes the people’s behaviour models, transforms values, generates new cultural preferences and habits, and provides a higher level of expression of the person with the ability to match his/her real identity or stay different in network communication. There are also identity transformations under the influence of changes in socio-cultural environment, where virtual network communities play the leading role in the identification implementation. Network culture causes instability of orientations and problems with personal identity. The network environment cannot be reduced to simple information transfer by the means of communication. It should be clear that it generates and transmits certain cultural codes. Problems which arise in this context and are related to existential manifestations of a Man can be described as medialization of a person, thinking visualization, transformation of the institute of authorship, preservation of cultural identity, new understanding of art, cultural traditions, gender characteristics, social roles.
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    Сучасна людина у просторі віртуальної реальності: особливості соціально-культурної трансформації
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Онищук, Оксана
    Розглянуто особливості соціокультурної реальності глобалізованого світу. Окреслено базові чинники зміни соціокультурного простору. Виявлено основні аспекти у трансформації комунікативних, ціннісних та ідентифікаційних адаптаційних механізмів людини. Розкрито риси ескейпізму як однієї з форм самоідентифікації людини у віртуальному просторі. Зроблено наголос на особливостях ідентифікації у віртуальному просторі. The article examines the peculiarities of socio-cultural reality of the globalised world. The basic factors the socio-cultural space change are outlined. The principal transformation aspects of the communicative, value and identification human adaptation mechanisms are disclosed. The main characteristics of escapism as a form of human self-identity in cyberspace are revealed. The identification peculiarities in virtual space are highlighted. Globalisation is considered as a change factor of modern sociocultural space. The author concludes that cyberspace offers an alternative form of life that is more attractive than the objective world and creates new opportunities for escapism and psychological dependence. Virtual reality excludes the direct contact between individuals and technological interaction replaces dialogic communication. It causes distortion of the dialogue values, the loss of the sense of selfsufficiency of the subject of communication and the advancement of the rationality cultivation. In the information society a person becomes very pragmatic and traditional values lose or change their meanings that may have a negative impact on him/her. The Internet is a social environment based on new virtual communication space. One of the determinant features of global thinking is a desire to become part of the big world to go beyond one’s own subjective worldview. This is a kind of intellectual and psychological involvement in the global life processes. In the modern age a person’s worth is determined by flexible thinking and the ability to respond quickly to constant vicissitudes of time. Cultural identity is formed in the visual environment with the help of television, advertising, the Internet and the printing press. Nowadays visuality is an important factor in developing social practices, socialisation and coexistence with other people. Contemporary culture is visually presented and the viewer combines the functions of a spectatorconsumer and a tourist-flaneur.