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    Нова громадська дипломатія та особливості її реалізації у сучасних умовах
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Сухорольська, Ірина
    Розглянуто тенденції розвитку громадської/публічної дипломатії під впливом процесів глобалізації та поширення нових технологій. Досліджено коло учасників, технологічне та медіасередовище, методи, а також особливості практичної реалізації нової громадської дипломатії. На основі цього надано відповідні рекомендації для посилення позиції України в інформаційному протиборстві. Public diplomacy is an activity of an international actor aimed at communication with a foreign audience. In the 2000s it undergoes substantial transformations, primarily under the influence of globalisation and new technologies. The article attempts to highlight the features of the new public diplomacy. In particular, the author investigates the participants, the technological and media environment as well as the public diplomacy tools. It is concluded that the states remain the influential participants of the international communication but they have to compete with the non-governmental organisations which are more adaptive, expansive and networked. Besides, new technologies possess great potential for the public diplomacy development. However, their impact is sometimes unpredictable and the initiative can be taken over by the competitors. The author considers the distinctive methods of the new public diplomacy, namely relationship and network building, involving a wide range of domestic and foreign nongovernmental organisations, reinforcing the viral trends based on triggering events, combining technologies and instruments and using a reasonable individual approach. Other peculiarities of the new public diplomacy include its horizontal structure, convergence of external and internal audiences, combining strategic approach with the need for the instant reaction as well as a strong competition between state and non-state actors. The paper also focuses on applying the methods of the viral information dissemination in the international relations. On the basis of the studies of the internet-memes spreading, the recommendations for strengthening the Ukraine’s position in the information warfare with Russia are given. It is concluded that Ukraine needs the implementation of the new public diplomacy strategies involving the Russian audience and covering the issues of positive effects of democratic reforms in Ukraine.
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    Заходи громадської дипломатії іноземних держав як засіб впливу на масову аудиторію в Україні
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Сухорольська, Ірина
    Охарактеризовано засади громадської дипломатії, яка здійснюється стосовно іноземної масової аудиторії. Розглянуто спектр заходів громадської дипломатії США, Великобританії, Німеччини, Росії щодо широких верств населення в Україні, визначено особливості такої діяльності. The paper deals with the Public Diplomacy instruments such as international information programmes, international broadcasting, cultural diplomacy aimed at mass audience. Since the time when the concept of public diplomacy was developed and implemented in the United States Ukraine has become its target audience. During the period of Cold War such activity of the Western powers was aimed at breakthrough of information blockade and served as a counteraction to Soviet propaganda. The collapse of the Soviet Union and establishment of Ukrainian independence resulted in growth of foreign players influencing Ukrainian audience. Their activity is getting more complex and diverse in the information society. The activity of the USA, Great Britain, Germany, and Russia towards the Ukrainian audience is analyzed in the article. The Public Diplomacy instruments of Western countries aimed at building democracy and civil society in Ukraine are thoroughly analyzed. The author makes comparison of Western and Russian practices of Public Diplomacy which resulted in pointing out the purpose of such activities. Special attention is paid to studying the Russian foreign information policy towards Ukraine and its specific target audience in the former Soviet Union. The ideas for improving relations between two countries are presented. The sources of the research include official websites of governments, ministries of foreign affairs, foreign embassies in Ukraine, special Public Diplomacy institutions (the British Council, Rossotrudnichestvo, Goethe-Institute), international broadcasters (BBC, Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Deutsche Welle, Russia Today), other web portals related to the government institutions.