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    Міські герби в оздобленні фасадів будівель міста Львова
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Цюпа, М. С.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Проаналізовано геральдичний декор, що зображає герб міста на фасадах будівель Львова. На основі власних емпіричних досліджень та фотофіксації збережених у Львові зразків геральдичного декору проаналізовано історичний аспект формування та застосування гербів в архітектурі. Описано стильові особливості розвитку геральдичного декору та проведено класифікацію геральдичного декору. In the article analyzed heraldic decoration depicting a coat of arms on the facades of Lviv’s buildings. We describe stylistic features of heraldic decoration, described the classification of materials and classification heraldic decoration. Works of heraldic décor historically and artistically represent the epoch of their creation. Heraldric compositions is the symbols of the city or the founders of various buildings and facilities constitute an integral part of Lviv architecture. Lviv emblem is one of the oldest Ukrainian city signs. The emblem depicts a lion which is a major figure and a symbol of the city. The coat of arms of the city of Lviv features a golden lion beneath a city gate in a blue field. The lion was a traditional symbol of the city throughout the ages. Initially it was used as a seal in the court. The first such depictions occurred on 13th-century seals. The earliest known emblem of the city features a lion passant through a city gate pointed with three towers. It was featured on a city council seals, used by the magistrate in 1359 and later. In 1526 Polish king Sigismund the Old of Poland formally accepted the coat of arms. After the capture of the Kingdom of Poland Lviv city began to use the mark on flags, facades of the buildings, books, in trade and so on. In 1586 bishop Jan Dymitr Sulikowski,royal diplomat and a bishop of Lwów, as the city was called back then, was accepted on an audience by the Pope Sixtus V. The emblem of the city has changed over the years, new pieces were added, but in the center of the composition there always was a lion at the gate. In this form it was preserved till our times. At present a great deal of works of heraldic décor on the facades of Lviv buildings need restoration. Restoration of the old city sign gave rise to a new stage of Ukrainian municipal heraldry. Analyzing saved emblems can be divided into three groups: The first group includes heraldic composition XVII. This signs are made of stone and placed in homes and other buildings; the second is the heraldic composition placed on educational institutions, mainly schools and gymnasiums, made in the XIX century. third heraldic composition is placed on the administrative and public buildings XVIII–XX centuries. Based on field research revealed that the heraldic composition belonging to the first group are made of stone, the herb are placed on a round disk with Latin inscriptions or laurel wreath. Stone emblems placed on the walls of apartment buildings on the 13 Serbian St., and 28, 36 Staroevreyska St. Heraldic composition belonging to the second group, placed on the facade of the Gothic schools on boards or cartouche with curls. They include former female school of Queen Jadwiga on 10 Shevchenko Pr., School St. Anne on 2 Leontovych. St., former school of A. Mickiewicz on 15 Theatralna St., former City School of Tadeusz Chatsky on 10 Tamanska St., School of Bartholomew Zimorovycha on 171 Lychakivska St., formerly School of Nicholas Ray on 6 Chornovola Pr., a former female professional school on the 8–10 Zelena St., the former Industrial School on 47 Snopkivska St., a former school of Piramovych on 17 Pidvalna st., school of Stashytsya on the 45 Lesya Ukrayinka st. The herbs belonging to the third group placed on administrative and public buildings, it is a Town Hall of Lviv on 1 Runok Sq., Fire Strantion on 6 Pidvalna st., the National Museum on 10 Liberty Pr., Central Station house on 1 Dvirceva Sq., the former home of the Chamber of Commerce in 17–19 Shevchenko Pr., Lviv department of civil registration on 157 Franko St. Heraldic compositions located on the pediments, walls or above the main entrance. Some heraldic composition of this group are decorated with sculptural design. After analyzing the principles of conservation of architecture and heraldic decoration in Europe and Lviv, we can say that the heradicl decoration is an integral part of the buildings, historical monuments and the art. Preservation of monuments is an important task because today a lot of buildings, areas and samples of decoration on the facades of Lviv buildings need restoration.