Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Application of formalized models of events for evaluation of danger and accident assessment of the compressor station of the main pipeline
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-06-01) Babadzhanova, Olga; Vasiichuk, Viktor; Charlak, Michał; Lviv State University of Life Safety; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Lublin University of Technology
    An effective approach to solving the problem of reducing man-made hazards is the use of specialized systems for forecasting and minimizing risks. The theoretical basis for hazard assessment is probabilistic safety analysis (IAB). The most common method of assessing the danger and accident is the development of formalized models of events is the use of logical-probabilistic models “failure tree” (FTA) and “event tree” (ETA). These methods are widely used in the world to analyze the risk of accidents at facilities with increased levels of danger. They are used both for the preliminary analysis of safety during the development of recommendations for reducing the level of risk and for investigating the causes of accidents at hazardous facilities. In Ukraine, such methods are used in the development of safety declarations for high-risk facilities. Considering a great number of hazards inherent in the operation of main pipelines, it is important to understand which of these risks are most critical. The specifics of their operation is directly related to the risk of cascading accidents. The purpose of the work is to establish criteria and assess the danger of accidents at the compressor station of the main gas pipeline.