Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Environmentally safe reclamation of solid waste landfills
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Grechanik, Ruslan; Malovanyy, Myroslav; Korbut, Mariia; Petrushka, Kateryna; Luchyt, Liubov; Boyko, Ruslan; Synelnikov, Serhiy; Bordun, Ihor; Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University; Armed Forces of Ukraine; Czestochowa University of Technology
    The main stages of the reclamation of solid waste landfills have been considered. The processes that limit ensuring the ecological safety of reclamation have been identified. In particular, three stages that may be hazardous for the environment have been highlighted: leachate treatment, preparation of soil or substrate for biological reclamation, and preparation of seeds and planting material. Leachate treatment by the aeration method in an aerated lagoon is recommended. The prospect of using such a process has been investigated in laboratory conditions. To ensure the prolonged release of nutrients in the reclamation layer, it is suggested to use encapsulated fertilizers. The effectiveness of the encapsulated fertilizer covered with a PET shell has been studied. For afforestation using high-quality planting material, the use of in vitro microcloning technology is proposed. The perspective of the method is shown in the example of microcloning of the white mulberry Morus alba L.
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    The investigation of the porous structure of carbon sorbents based on β-cyclodextrin for use in environmental protection technologies
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Bordun, Ihor; Malovanyy, Myroslav; Szymczykiewicz, Ewelina; Czestochowa University of Technology; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    In this paper, the porous structure of three types of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) carbons was synthesized and investigated. The first carbon was obtained from pure β-CD, the second carbon was synthesized from β-CD using the KOH activator, and the third carbon was synthesized from pure β-CD with additional ultrasonic treatment in the non-cavitation mode at the last stage. It was found that the carbon from pure β-CD has a micromesoporous structure with a small specific surface area (~35 m2/g). Activation with KOH causes a significant increase in the specific surface area (~654 m2/g) due to an increase in the content of micropores with an average size of 1,25 nm. The ultrasonic treatment causes mechanical grinding and oxidation of the carbon surface. It has been shown that such treatment increases the mesopore content and significantly changes the mesopore size distribution. It has been established that the oxidation of the β-CD carbon surface after ultrasonic treatment causes an increase in its hydrophilicity of up to 83,1%. The increase in hydrophilicity will allow more efficient use of synthesized carbon and composites based on it in solving the problems of environmental safety in water environments.