Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    The dependence of China belt and road initiative efficiency to the level of logistics infrastructure development
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-02-28) Krykavskyy, Ye.; Fihun, N.; Nycz-Wojtan, S.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Vistula University
    The article analyzes the peculiarities of the impact of logistics infrastructure on the effectiveness of project implementation. The role of LPI as an indicator of infrastructure development, investment opportunities and its peculiarities are highlighted. The regional peculiarity of logistics development with the help of LPI is outlined. Abilities for Belt and Road initiative where analyzed and emphasized the status of logistics practice in the Asian countries, which are involved into the project. Analyzed the peculiarities of formation of international and domestic LPI, their differences in creation, as well as factors considered for statistics bases. Key opportunities for the development of the BRI project and the prerequisites for its creation have been identified. Distinguished input and output indicators of the LPI in to the two types: areas for policy regulations (inputs) and service delivery performance outcomes. Formed the basic factors which need to be taken into consideration during the decision making for investments into the logistics infrastructure of BRI project. Infrastructural improvements that have already been implemented or are being finalized were highlighted. The key risk factors in project implementation are highlighted, with opportunities to consider and offset their impact on the final implementation of the project.
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    Logistics security in the system of countries national security
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Krykavskyy, Yе.; Hlynskyy, N.; Fihun, N.
    In the article was explored the development of theoretical foundations of national security of Ukraine. Was marked a significant increase of interest to its problem especially within its various dimensions: energetical, logistical, militarian. Revealed that one of the key aspects in the formation of national security in recent years gradually became the issue of critical logistics infrastructure forming. Grounded the official character of critical logistics infrastructure that appears in a number of its features, among which the most important are its: immobility, lack of opportunities for self-renewal, a large costs and limited p`ossibilities for reorientation. Досліджено розбудову теоретичних засад національної безпеки в Україні. Відзначено істотне зростання в сучасних умовах зростання зацікавленості цієї проблематики у різних її вимірах: енергетичній, логістичній, військовій. Виявлено, що одним із ключових аспектів у формуванні національної безпеки останніми роками поступово стає питання формування критичної логістичної інфраструктури. Обґрунтовано службовий характер критичної логістичної інфраструктури, який відображається у низці її особливостей, серед яких найвагомішими є її іммобільність, відсутність можливості для самовідтворення, велика затратність та обмежені можливості до переорієнтування.
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    Features and prospects of logistic humanitarian approach to the formation of the supply chain
    (Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2016) Fihun, N.; Biloshevska, O.
    The article investigates improvement of the supply chain according to the requirements of nowadays, particularly impact of natural disasters. The main role in this process is given to humanitarian logistics. The phases of the disaster and the actions of humanitarian supply chain during these phases are analyzed. It is very important to understand in which cases more appropriate using particular type supply chains. From this point of view authors analyzed the main differences between commercial and humanitarian supply chains. The most important role in the supply chain during the crisis situations played humanitarian organizations. For the purpose of comprehensive understanding peculiarities and involve members were identified main participants of humanitarian supply chain. The ranking of donor countries that are in the top 10, and examples of humanitarian operations and logistics companies in the aftermath of disasters are shown. Authors analyze usage of model of disaster management by logistics companies and humanitarian organizations in different disaster stages. The main advantage of proposed approach is getting clear criterion which arises during the recovery phase of the disaster and enables logistics companies, humanitarian organizations and the military to integrate their efforts and logistics performance, and adapt them to the specific needs.