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    Galois fields elements processing units for cryptographic data protection in cyber-physical systems
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-12-03) Hlukhov, Valerii; Kostyk, Andrii; Zholubak, Ivan; Rahma, Mohammed; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Currently, elliptic curves are the mathematical basis for digital signature processing. Elliptic curve points processing is based on the performance of operations in Galois field GF(2m) in normal or polynomial bases. Characteristics of multipliers for these bases are different. In this paper, the time complexity of software multipliers for binary Galois fields GF(2m) and fields GF(dn) was investigated. Fields with approximately the same number of elements were investigated. Elements of these fields were represented in a polynomial basis. It is established that the Galois field GF(3т) provides the greatest time complexity of software multiplication, and the prime Galois field GF(P) has the least time complexity. It is also shown that the use of polynomial basis allows, in contrast to the normal basis, to realize larger part of multiplier on FPGA chip.