Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Influence of waste water from wastepaper processing utilities on the oxygen mode of natural and technical water objects
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019-02-26) Iurchenko, Valentina; Ivanin, Pavlo; Radionov, Mykyta; Melnikova, Oxana; Kharkov National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Ukraine Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems
    During the experimental investigations the influence of different silicon deaerators, which are added into the pulp to prevent the foam formation, on oxygen saturation of waste waters formed during the paper goods production from wastepaper was estimated. It was shown that deaerators significantly reduce oxygen concentration in waste waters and, consequently, increase its danger for natural water basins. The indicators of performance of the flotation in removing deaerators from waste water were reviewed.
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    Surface wastewater treatment from various fractions of petroleum products from the territory of highway infrastructure facilities
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019-02-26) Iurchenko, Valentina; Melnikova, Oxana; Mikhalevich, Nikolay; Borzenko, Oleksandra; Kharkov National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
    The article is devoted to the parameters of mechanical treatment of surface wastewater generated in the territory of suburban facilities of the highways from petroleum products (PPs) and their separate fractions. It is found that the open settling mode is more promising. The highest effect of treatment from PPs (within the range under study) is achieved at PPs initial concentration of 125–210 mg/dm3 on the third day of settling.
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    Ecological safety predictive modeling concerning fine cocoa dust dispersion, released by confectionery manufacture
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-02-01) Iurchenko, Valentina; Lebedeva, Elena; Ponomaryova, Svitlana; Kharkov National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems
    In order to predict ecological safety conserning cocoa dust emission (PM2,5 and PM10), the mathematical modeling of its dispersion was performed considering the atmosphere turbulent diffusion. Necessary gravity sedimentation rate of cocoa dust for modeling was identified during the experimental researches. Obtained results indicate the necessity of intensification of fine particles emission clean-up in the observed confectionery factory.
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    Reduction of environmental hazard of Hudrogen Sulfide emission from sewerage pipelines and visual pollution, formed by degassing units
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Iurchenko, Valentina; Lebedeva, Elena
    At some sites of the sewage collector in Kharkov concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the underroof space exceeds in thousands of times daily average MPC. As a result the gaseous emissions from the sewage network in the city atmosphere the content of hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere of residential development area may exceed the MPCd.a. The degasifier, installed above the sewage shaft efficiently rectifies gas releases. Design solutions are developed, which allow to harmonize degasifiers on sewerage nets with urban environment of different application.