Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Assessment of the impact of the paper enterprise on the environment
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-10-10) Khomko, Natalia; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Pulp and paper enterprises are of great importance for sustainable economic and environmental development of certain regions and the economy of Ukraine. Man uses many natural resources during the lifetime, creating a burden on nature. As the world's population increases, this load increases, leading to a shortage of resources and deterioration in the environment. The main activity of Kokhavynska Paper Mill PJSC is the production of sanitary products for the domestic market and export. Rational use of secondary raw materials helps to cut the use of forest resources and reduce the amount of waste paper utilized in landfills. 15291.76 t of pollutants from the sources of the enterprise emissions enter the air each year. A total of 9 standardized and 3 non-standardized substances (greenhouse gases) are released into the atmosphere, namely nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, nitrogen (1) oxide (N2O) (greenhouse gas), carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas), methane (greenhouse gas), iron and its compounds, manganese and its compounds, hexavalent chromium (expressed in terms of chromium trioxide), gaseous fluorides, hydrogen sulfide, saturated hydrocarbons C12-C19. There is no excess of the established maximum concentration limits at all emission sources at this enterprise. To assess the impact of the enterprise on soils, the content of heavy metals Zn, Cr (VI), Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, and Fe at the border of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise was determined and the maximum multi plicity of the excess of MPC of heavy metals was calculated. The content of heavy metals in the selected soil samples was determined using a spectrophotometer atomic absorption C-115-M1. Evaluation of soils for heavy metals showed that the soils at the border of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise are contaminated with heavy metals. The maximum multiplicity of the excess of the MPC of heavy metals in the soil is 1.04 times for lead; 0.43 times for zinc; 0.37 times for chromium; 0.93 times for copper; 1.85 times for manganese; 0.35 times for cobalt. Maximum concentrations of heavy metals exceed their background content: 1.6 times for lead; 1.8 times for zinc; 1.16 times for chromium; 0.77 times for copper; 3.9 times for manganese; 9.7 times for iron; 1.2 times for cobalt.