Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Design and evaluation of a smart indoor air quality monitoring system
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Rudavskyi, Ivan; Klym, Halyna; Popov, Anatoliy; Lviv Polytechnic National University; University of Latvia
    This paper presents the design and development of an intelligent air quality monitoring system that utilizes the widely adopted and versatile Arduino Uno microcontroller as its foundational platform. The system underwent comprehensive testing procedures to ensure its adherence to specified requirements. Moreover, a series of experiments were conducted in diverse areas of a residential environment to generate datasets for various air quality indicators. The research findings showcase the potential of the developed system in accurately monitoring and assessing indoor air quality in real time. Enhancing indoor air quality plays a crucial role in mitigating the transmission of common airborne viruses and pollutants, thus significantly benefiting respiratory health.
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    Node.js project architecture with shared dependencies for microservices
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Chaplia, Oleh; Klym, Halyna; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Microservices is an architectural style in software development that involves constructing a big solution using small, self-contained services. A set of services are connected via well-defined APIs and work together like a coherent system. The application of microservices architecture spans a wide range of domains, e. g., healthcare, finance, government, military, gaming, and entertainment. This article analyzes existing project architecture approaches for Node.js, and improves scalable project architecture for Node.js using shared dependencies. The proposed project architecture with shared module dependencies is explicitly created for Node.js microservice. Also, the article shows the results obtained from a test project that was created based on the proposed architecture.
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    Data cleaning method in wireless sensor-based on intelligence technology
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Diachok, Roman; Klym, Halyna; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The method of cleaning management data in wireless sensor networks based on intelligence technology has been studied. Specific forms of application of wireless sensor networks are analyzed. The characteristics of the structure of wireless sensor networks are presented and the data cleaning technology based on the clustering model is offered. An algorithm for deleting a cluster-based replication record is proposed and the accuracy of data cleaning methods is tested. The obtained results testify to the efficiency of using the studied method.
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    Multilayered sensor structures for intelligent conlrol systems
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2012) Klym, Halyna; Kostiv, Yuriy
    A multifunctional sensor system using multilayered thick-film sensor structures based on spinel-type NiMn2O4-CuMn2O4-MnCo2O4 manganites and magnesium aluminate MgAl2O4 has been developed. The technological peculiarities of making nanostructured sensors have been represented. The circuit diagram of the monitoring system using nanostructured sensors and a microprocessor for signal processing has been proposed. This system can be successfully applied for intelligent monitoring and controlling environment. Одержано мультишарові сенсорні товстоплівкові структури на основі шпінельної кераміки. Розглянуто технологічні особливості одержання наноструктурованих сенсорів. Показано можливість успішного використання одержаних сенсорних структур в інтелектуальних системах моніторингу та контролю.