Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Ways of improvement of operational efficiency of hopper devices
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Koruniak, Petro; Shenbor, Vladyslav; Korendiy, Vitaliy; Bezpalov, Anatoliy; Brusentsov, Volodymyr
    The operation of hopper devices, which are used in industry, civil engineering, agriculture and transport, is analyzed on the article. The external factors, which influence the process of charging, storing and discharging of loose cargo (freights) from hopper tanks, are overviewed. The subject of research of presented paper is the improvement of mechanisms of fracturing of products hangs-up (bridges) in hoppers at the stage of designing and setting up of hopper devices. In order to solve the stated problem the schemes of bridges fracturing and the structures of devices for debarment of products bridging and their uniform outflow from the hopper tank are proposed. The proposed schemes are based on the principles used in development of vibratory machinery with mechanical, cam and electromagnetic vibratory principles of structures forming. For cam spring device of bridges fracturing the technique of calculation of stiffness of elastic system and of the necessary forces for performing of technological process of bridges fracturing is presented and the recommendations for choosing of the stiffness of the system of elastic elements are suggested. For the hoppers with spring and electromagnetic blocks of bridges fracturing and of metered (batched) feeding of products the structural diagrams of devices are presented and the recommendations for usage of various modifications of devices are suggested. The influence of parameters of flat spring elements on the efficiency of devices operation is overviewed. The structural diagrams of devices with one-cycle and two-cycle electromagnetic vibration exciters and the modifications of elastic systems are considered. the structural diagram of the production prototype of the hopper feeder is presented. The materials of the article, the proposed structural diagrams, the operation scheme of the hopper feeder and the derived analytical formulas may be used by designers, researchers and technologists while improving of existent and developing of new devices.
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    Analysis and improvement of two-mass vibrating tubular conveyers with two-cycle electromagnetic drive
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Shenbor, Vladyslav; Koruniak, Petro; Korendiy, Vitaliy; Brusentsov, Volodymyr; Brusentsova, Marta
    The analysis of structure diagrams of the two-mass tubular conveyer with two-cycle electromagnetic drive is carried out in the article. Two methods of designing of the elastic system are considered; calculation formulas for elastic system computation are deduced according to different requirements for the operating parameters of conveyers; the comparative analysis of two types of elastic systems is conducted. The recommendations for designing the lengthy tubular vibrating conveyers are presented. According to the considered structural diagrams of the elastic system the models of the lengthy vibrating conveyers with the transporting distances l =1,5...4 m are developed. On the basis of these models the lengthy vibrotransporting systems with the transporting distance l = 5...30 m were developed, manufactured and applied in industry. The considered systems ensures the transportation of loose materials (porcelain composition, sand etc.) with maximal speeds up to 800 mm/sec and productivities (for tubes with internal diameter D =100 mm) up to 30 tons per hour for. It is reasonable to use both considered schemes of elastic systems for development of vibrating tubular conveyers with electromagnetic drive. The conveyers may be designed in two modifications: overhead and supporting. The obtained dependencies allow optimization of the structure and considering the important technical parameters of conveyers (maximal permissible oscillations amplitude, springs stresses, productivity etc.) in the design phase.
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    Two-mass vibrating conveyer with nonparallel flat springs
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Koruniak, Petro; Nishchenko, Iryna; Shenbor, Vladyslav; Korendiy, Vitaliy
    The analysis of operation of vibrating conveyers with nonparallel placement of flat springs is carried out. The motion of mechanical oscillating system is investigated. The structure of the supporting unit for flat springs fastening is propounded. This structure allows simplifying of setting-up of two-mass vibrating conveyers with the aim to ensure the effective operation. The models of conveyers with nonparallel placement of springs, providing the accurate calculations of rigidities and angles of flat springs inclinations, considerably simplify the structures of conveyers and their setting-up to ensure the prescribed angles of vibrations. The proposed structure of fastening of flat springs ends allows increasing of operation efficiency of the two-mass vibrating conveyer. Due to such setting-up of the equipment it is possible to compensate some of its theoretical and structural faults. On the basis of presented investigations, it is planned to develop the three-mass models of conveyers-separators with transporting of separated components in different directions.