Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Integrative approach to providing consistency of educational methods in the process of training future doctors of philosophy in educational sciences
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2016-09-12) Kozlovskyi, Yurii; Bilyk, Oksana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article is dedicated to the problem of using an integrative approach to providing consistency of educational methods in the process of training future doctors of philosophy in educational sciences. The aim of the study is to justify the expediency of applying the integrative approach to methods of teaching postgraduate students to ensure these methods consistency during all the stages of studying. The authors have defined the following objectives: to analyze the process of domestic postgraduate education; to identify the problems of educational process organization; to formulate the conceptual principles of integrative approach for providing consistency of educational methods; to show the possibilities of transformation of conventional educational methods and methods of obtaining knowledge into methods of learning. It is substantiated that teaching methods in the system of higher education should be based on the principles ensuring integration of teachers, students, and postgraduates in educational and research activities. We have developed conceptual fundamentals of integrative approach towards providing consistency of educational methods in conditions of continuing education, including PhD studies. We have provided particular examples of using classical classifications and demonstrated ways of their practical implementation in PhD courses.
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    Personality aspect of professional activities of a higher school teacher
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Kozlovskyi, Yurii; Kravets, Svitlana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article clarifies the fact that the issue of studying the personality development of higher school teachers in the context of their professional activity is relevant. Readiness for professional activity is considered as a system characterized by appropriate coefficients, the complex consideration of which allows obtaining reliable information about the real level of teachers’ professional work. It is expedient to present the features of the professional teaching staff of higher educational institutions in three categories: a practising teacher, a teacher-researcher and a scientist in the field of specialization of an educational institution. The higher school teachers’ scientific and pedagogical activities in the context of modern morality are an important component of their professional competence, substantially affecting the results of their teaching and research activities. It is considered as the realization of the idea of humanization of science and education.