Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    The dependence of China belt and road initiative efficiency to the level of logistics infrastructure development
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-02-28) Krykavskyy, Ye.; Fihun, N.; Nycz-Wojtan, S.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Vistula University
    The article analyzes the peculiarities of the impact of logistics infrastructure on the effectiveness of project implementation. The role of LPI as an indicator of infrastructure development, investment opportunities and its peculiarities are highlighted. The regional peculiarity of logistics development with the help of LPI is outlined. Abilities for Belt and Road initiative where analyzed and emphasized the status of logistics practice in the Asian countries, which are involved into the project. Analyzed the peculiarities of formation of international and domestic LPI, their differences in creation, as well as factors considered for statistics bases. Key opportunities for the development of the BRI project and the prerequisites for its creation have been identified. Distinguished input and output indicators of the LPI in to the two types: areas for policy regulations (inputs) and service delivery performance outcomes. Formed the basic factors which need to be taken into consideration during the decision making for investments into the logistics infrastructure of BRI project. Infrastructural improvements that have already been implemented or are being finalized were highlighted. The key risk factors in project implementation are highlighted, with opportunities to consider and offset their impact on the final implementation of the project.
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    Effectiveness of innovative value-oriented marketing solutions on dairy market
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-01-20) Stets, O.; Krykavskyy, Ye.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    It has been found that optimum distribution of incomes has undergone certain transformational changes in current market conditions. Thus, internationally, the largest share of income (60 %) is the salary, while in Ukraine it makes only up to 35% of the total income. Other 65 % comes from other sources. The purchasing power of the population is an important factor. In general, it has been proved (based on the average salary) that Ukrainians spend more than 50 % of their income on food. Main suppliers and brands operating on the Ukrainian dairy products market (Molokiya™, Yagotynske™, Bila Linia™, Voloshkove Pole™, Slovianochka™, Activia™, Prostokvashino™, Galychyna™) have been assessed under such criteria as target audience, consumption purpose and product value. It has been established that there is a segment of premium goods consumers on the milk market who are ready to pay more for high quality products. The expediency of introducing non-traditional methods of competition on the fast moving consumer goods markets has been substantiated. The most common example of such market is the market of dairy products, which are reasonably priced and have high level of nutrients, ensuring proper, normalized human diet. The effectiveness of implementing innovative solutions to the marketing-mix development has been identified, the solutions focusing on such human values as natural and healthy food, environmentally friendly attitude (Fresh Milk technology, Pure-Pak Sense Aseptic packing). It has been established that due to active use and modification of traditional marketing tools, Ternopil Dairy Factory PJSC (Molokiya™) showed impressive results as for the market share and geographic coverage of the market. The basis of these decisions was valueoriented approach, i.e. focusing marketing activities not only on the product and the customer, but also on the traditional human values that are often not directly related to any goods or consumers. These are the following three topical areas: – in the product policy – creation and/or modification of the products included in the healthy food diet with maximum preservation of natural properties; – in the distribution policy – dramatic shortening of the production-consumption cycle, resulting in a very slight loss of natural properties, thus, radical reduction of the requirements for protective functions of packaging; – in the distribution policy – maximum convenience of dairy products complete use and packaging recycling.
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    GPS in the formation of ecological consciousness of customer
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Krykavskyy, Ye.
    Встановлено можливості використання методу АНР як інструменту стандартизації відбору маршруту перевезення, що є особливо важливим для комерційного транспорту, оскільки на постачальників впливають виробники, які вимагають від перевізників екологічної свідомості. Обґрунтовано використання системи GPS для формування екологічної свідомості користувачів та вибору відповідального сценарію поведінки під час вибору маршруту перевезення. Established the possibility of using ANR method as a tool for standardizing the choice of route for transportation, which is especially important for commercial vehicles, since the suppliers affect manufacturers which are requiring from carriers an environmental awareness. Grounded the use of GPS system for the formation of ecological consciousness of users and selection of responsible scenario behavior in choosing route of transportation.
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    Logistic assets and the consequences of their practical use
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Krykavskyy, Ye.; Pokhylchenko, О.
    The article scrutinises the specification pertinence of the category “logistic assets” as well as their structures and performance efficiency indices. In particular, the composition of the fixed assets, constituting the main interest from the point of view of Logistics according to the adopted in accounting classification, is determined; the industrial (technological) structure of fixed assets for different types of enterprises from the point of view of Logistics is provided; the composition of current assets constituting the main interest from the point of view of Logistics is analysed. The complex of indices for measuring logistic assets practical use efficiency has been formed in order to evaluate and identify the reserves of logistic assets efficiency increase and improvement of functioning of the logistic system as a whole and all its components. Актуалізована доцільність уточнення категорії «логістичні активи», а також їх структури та показників ефективності використання. Визначено склад основних засобів, які становлять основний інтерес з точки зору логістики стосовно прийнятої у бухгалтерському обліку класифікації, наведено виробничу (технологічну) структуру основних засобів для різних типів підприємств з погляду логістики, проаналізовано склад оборотних активів, які становлять основний інтерес. З метою оцінювання та виявлення резервів підвищення ефективності використання логістичних активів та функціонування загалом логістичної системи та її компонентів сформовано комплекс показників оцінки ефективності їх використання.