Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Процеси та складові елементи аналізу великих даних у системах дистанційного навчання
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Пришляк, Андрій; Кунанець, Наталія Едуардівна; Пасічник, Володимир Володимирович; Pryshiak, A.; Kunanets, N.; Pasichnyk, V.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Проаналізовано вплив пандемії на освітні процеси в Україні. Розглянуто проблеми, які спостерігаються під час дистанційного навчання, позитивні та негативні фактори онлайн-освіти. Висвітлено чинники, які можуть призвести до конфліктних ситуацій в освітньому процесі та ускладнювати збирання й аналіз інформації. Запропоновано використовувати методи машинного навчання для аналізу великих даних у системах дистанційного навчання. Розглянуто метод аналізу головних компонент для зменшення розмірності обсягу вибірки та описано основні кроки, які потрібно виконати задля спрощення. Можливість аналізу забезпечується коректним функціонуванням системи дистанційного навчання, регламентованої ЗВО, взаємодією із усіма учасниками навчального процесу, а також своєчасним виконанням обов’язків, покладених на них.
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    Formation of search queries based on thesaurus of narrowly specialized subject areas
    (University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019-03-20) Matsiuk, H.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Kunanets, N.; Veretennikova, N.; Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The role of branch information retrieval thesaurus for improving and increasing the effectiveness of information support of scientific research, carried out using the technology of selective dissemination of information, is analyzed in the paper. The selective dissemination system provides both individual and group information needs, as subscribers can be individual users as well as a group of users, namely scientific teams and virtual scientific teams whose members can be geographically distributed. Within the scientific team, subgroups can be formed engaged in research of different directions of their subject area. The information retrieval thesaurus is considered as a language model of a particular subject area. The development of information technologies creates the possibility of information modeling of a narrowly specialized subject area and data presentation in the form of thesaurus, which is a hypertext that reflects the hierarchically organized semantic structure of a specific subject area.
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    Modern methods of irrigation water purification by a mesh-filter using influence of low frequency vibration
    (2019-06-26) Bilokon, S.; Turbal, Y.; Kunanets, N.; Pasichnyk, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article is devoted to the analysis of different methods of irrigation water purification from suspended particles. There have been considered the problems of irrigation water purification by using the low-frequency vibration technology and the effects arising from the influence of vibration on the water with different floating impurities. Vibration parameters that allow obtaining the effect of standing wave was substantiated. Also in the article have been disclosed the influence of low-frequency vibration on the quality of water purification depending on the types of pollution and their granulometric composition. Obtained the hydraulic characteristics of the mesh such as the effect of vibration on the pressure loss.
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    Accessibility analysis of scientific libraries web resources
    (2019-06-26) Pasichnyk, V.; Shestakevych, T.; Kunanets, N.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Andrunyk, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    A complex system of social and educational inclusion needs competent analysis to make it possible proper management and comprehensive improvement. To analyze one of the actual facets of such a system, namely, its ICT support, it is necessary to take into account the various needs of socially vulnerable people. A set of guidance to web accessibility is a convenient instrument, that provides various approaches in designing goods and technologies. Among other, such guidance helps to design websites with no access barriers, which is extremely important for people with special needs. To analyze the websites and different online resources, which might be of interest to a person with special needs during the social and educational inclusion, a list of characteristics was developed. It must be taken into account the classification and the structure of information materials, website`s structure, design, etc. The unification of the ICT for people, involved in educational and social inclusion, will improve informational and technological support of such process.
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    The project of the intellectual information system for student knowledge testing
    (2019-06-26) Pytlenko, T.; Kunanets, N.; Mumchur, N.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The intellectual information system for student knowledge assessment designed for owners of mobile devices based on Android operating system. The main purpose of the system is to make the process of student knowledge assessment faster and easier through automation of passing the test. The system also provides an additional opportunity for students to test their knowledge by themselves and receive explanations to the questions.
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    Determination of approaches for project costs minimization with use of dual problems
    (2019-06-26) Chernov, S.; Titov, S.; Chernova, L.; Kunanets, N.; Chernova, L.; Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    For determining ways of company development, ensuring the growth of profit in manufacture and sales of certain products, it has been proposed to use an algorithm of constructing a problem being inverse to primaldual one, for minimization of the project costs. The primal and the inverse problems contribute to improving the efficiency of calculation when determining approaches for minimization of costs. This pair of problems is mutually conjugate. The proposed rigorous approach to obtaining the algorithm of constructing a dual problem is based on the following statement: a problem being inverse to a dual one is a primal (original) problem. The authors have proposed and rigorously proven the algorithm of a general approach to the construction of conjugate problem pairs. Formalization of the algorithm developed allows obtaining easily correct pairs of known dual problems. This permitted proposing and proving the truth of the algorithm of constructing a dual problem for the arbitrary form of a primal problem representation.
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    Sport area information resources consolidation project
    (Lublin, 2018-06-26) Maruhno, O.; Kunanets, N.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Legeza, A.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Uzhhorod National University
    The project management process of creating an information system for consolidation of information resources for sport infrastructure services is presented in the article. The authors describe in detail the stages of the project to create an information system includes the following steps: setting aims and objectives of the project, work breakdown structure, division of work using the matrix of responsibilities, preparation of work diagrams, monitoring progress, completion of the project. The consolidation of the information resource is introduced by a single standard for information about each sport club. The proposed information system of consolidation information resources of sport infrastructure services provides users with access to structured resources.
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    Development of online taxi ridesharing application
    (2018-06-18) Popova, A.; Kunanets, N.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The paper highlights the main principles and modalities for developing a mobile application for sharing the ride via online taxi based on the use of innovative software elements and logistic flow management models. The proposed approach for the development of application is based on the latest marketing course, the use of logistic models and the elimination of analogues.
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    Development of a web application for publishing it startups
    (2018-06-18) J. Mauricio Morocho Garzon; Kunanets, N.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The increase of use of web applications has substantially changed the use of internet services and how the people access to them. The introduction of the World Wide Web has revolutionized the computer and the internet. The web provides an easy and cost-effective way of retrieving, searching and sharing information and a more flexible way of communication. It has been necessary for a large number of companies to adapt their services to be used through the browser.
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    Fog computing and Big data in projects of class smart city
    (2018-06-18) Duda, O.; Kunanets, N.; Matsiuk, O.; Pasichnyk, V.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The possibilities of using the information technology of foggy computing, which implements the processes of selecting primary messages from sensory nodes and their processing, and further transferring the results of primary computing to server environments based on information technology platforms of cloud type are analyzed in the article. It is noted that both of the approaches – mist and cloud computing – can be effectively used in a wide range of applications, in particular those that are used in information and technology complexes of “smart cities”. The system of parameters which distinguishes a separate class of information technologies called Big data is analyzed in the paper. The analysis made it possible to fix 10 basic parameters of the so-called 10 v, with the help of which a separate class of information technologies is allocated. Big data technologies, along with the technologies of foggy and cloud computing are elements of a powerful information technology platform that allows us to solve a wide range of problems for smart cities. The authors illustrated the systemtechnological connections of these classes of information technologies and analyzed the possibilities of their use in the context of implementation of the information technology project “Ternopil Smart city”.