Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Information technology for studying carbon sink in stemwood of forest ecosystems
    (Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Tokar, O.; Lesiv, M.; Korol, M.
    An information technology for calculation of carbon ink in stemwood of forest ecosystems on a territorial basis is developed. This information technology involves interpretation of input data of statistical inventory of forest stands using electronic maps of forestry, formation of databases and processing the data by applying a special algorithm for calculating the carbon sink in stemwood and presenting the results in a form of thematic maps. The estimation of the carbon sink in stemwood is done by using a "bottom-up" (wood – sample plots (SP) - forestry) approach applying mathematical models of distributed inventory of the carbon sink that take into account regional specificities of species in the study area and average annual growth of biomass. We estimated carbon sink in stemwood using data from experimental studies conducted on 54 sample plots of forestry “Spaske” of forest enterprise "Broshnivske FE" of Ivano-Frankivsk region. The largest carbon sink occurs in mixed forest ecosystems - 1829 tons/year, the average carbon sink (per ha) is 951 kg/year. The information technology can be applied for estimation of the carbon sink in forest stemwood in any part of Ukraine or another country where necessary input data are available.
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    Geoinformation technology for spatial inventory of greenhouse gas emissions: electricity and heat generation in Poland
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2013) Topylko, P.; Lesiv, M.; Bun, R.; Nahorski, Z.; Horabik, J.
    One of the main features of energy production in Poland is high dependence on consumption of coal and lignite, which results in significant emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to the atmosphere. This article presents the geoinformation technology and spatial analysis of GHG emissions from fossil fuel burned by power and combined power and heat plants. These plants are considered as emission sources of a point type. As input data, official regional statistics about consumption of fossil fuel for electricity and heat production are used. In addition, main characteristics of power and power/ heat plants are collected from official web-sites. Based on the developed model, numerical experiments have been carried out for the territory of Poland. The results of spatial modeling are presented in the form of thematic maps.