Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Motivation and evaluation of personnel in modern challenging environment
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Zakharchyn, H. M.; Lyubomudrova, N. P.; Sobol, I. B.
    Relationship between motivation and evaluation of the personnel in the enterprise management system as a purposeful influence on employees’ performance is substantiated; the new tasks set before employees in modern challenging conditions are outlined. There are defined today’s new challenges that are becoming a reality and are determining the new tasks set for national management. The basic essential components of personnel motivation and evaluation are presented; the content analysis of the personnel assessment tasks depending on manifestation of specific trends in society is made. Relevant principles of motivation and evaluation of personnel are indicated, the need for the formation of innovative mechanism for managing the personnel efficiency and work is emphasized. The mechanism is supposed to combine motivation and evaluation contexts and harmonize relations between employers, managers and employees.
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    Motivating personnel creative potential
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Zakharchyn, H. M.; Lyubomudrova, N. P.
    This article discusses the motivational aspects of personnel creative potential in today's conditions, which is a driving force for innovation. Also the objective reasons that forced staff to develop creative potential of each company, in particular, the basic principles of formation of motivational policy for the development of creativity of staff are highlighted. The presented research shows the relationship between typology of staff work and the character of motivation, as well as determines the effectiveness of the enterprise staff creative potential motivation on the basis of various motivational tools. The efficient processes of transformation will be successful only in case of the availability of creative potential of personnel able to produce innovative ideas, to support presence of the enterprise on the innovation market and to ensure its competitiveness through unconventional management solutions. Creativity is a natural human characteristic, however, subject to certain circumstances; it is not always possible to utilize it as a driving power in innovative development of an enterprise. Because of the lack of proper motivational policy, creativity often remains just a personal condition, and there is only nominal development and use of its potential. Thus, a contradiction emerges between the objective need to implement the personal creative impulse and subjective obstacles to human development.
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    Social aspects of personnel motivation
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Zakharchyn, H. M.; Lyubomudrova, N. P.
    The article deals with the social aspects of the personnel motivation in accordance with the current trends of humanization of the economic life and intellectualization of the society. The role of socialization as a motivational policy factor is described. The main tasks of the enterprise social policy are studied and motivational tools are proposed. Висвітлено соціальні аспекти мотивації праці персоналу підприємства відповідно до сучасних тенденцій гуманізації економічного життя та інтелектуалізації суспільства. Обґрунтовано роль соціалізації як фактора мотиваційної політики. Окреслено основні завдання соціальної політики підприємства та запропоновано мотиваційний інструментарій.