Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Adsorption of heavy metals ions from liquid media by palygorskite
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Melnyk, L.; Bessarab, O.; Matko, S.; Malyovanyy, М.
    The process of heavy metals adsorption by natural mineral palygorskite from wastewater and food (apple juice) has been investigated. The purification processes of copper, cadmium, lead, mercury and zinc have been studied. The rational technological parameters of these processes have been determined. The mechanism for heavy metals adsorbtion from juice by palygorskite has been defined. Досліджено процес адсорбції важких металів природним мінералом палигорськітом із стічних вод та харчових продуктів (яблучного соку). Досліджені процеси очищення від йонів міді, кадмію, свинцю, ртуті, цинку та визна- чено раціональні технологічні параметри цього процесу. Встановлено механізм сорбції важких металів із соку палигорськітом.
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    Improving administrative management costs using optimization modeling
    (Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Podolchak, N.; Melnyk, L.; Chepil, B.
    It is important to determine the optimal level of administrative costs in order to achieve main targets of any enterprise, to perform definite tasks, to implement these tasks and not to worsen condition and motivation of the workers. Also it is essential to remember about strategic goals in the area of HR on the long run. Therefore, the main idea in using optimization model for assessing the effectiveness of management costs will be to find the minimum level of expenses within the given limits.
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    Technology of evaluation of intellectual property objects of enterprise with the objective of their further sale
    (Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Chernobay, L.; Melnyk, L.; Shpak, Y.
    The existing classification of intellectual property objects (IPO) in order to give a more precise definition of it was analyzed; the criteria for IPO valuation of an enterprise were formed; the approaches and corresponding methods of enterprise’s IPO valuation were analyzed; valuation technology of enterprise’s IPO for subsequent sale taking into account the suggested selection criteria was developed.