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    A Computational Model for the Prediction of Net Power in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-16) Norouzi, Nima; Talebi, Saeed; Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic)
    Показано збільшення електричної енергії внаслідок збагачення киснем. З метою максималізації кількості кисню у всіх областях каталітичного шару (CL), для питомої ефективної площі мембрани (MEA) змодельовано поле потоку (FF). За розробленою моделлю 3DCFD спрогнозована швидкість приросту електричної енергії за підвищення кількості кисню в CL на 1 %. Змодельовано зволожену повітряну суміш на паливному елементі протонообмінної мембрани (PEMFC). Показано, що аналітичні та розрахунковий гідродинамічний метод дають подібні результати, а похибка моделі CFD становить приблизно 1,9 % порівняно з аналітичним методом.
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    Environment and economic development in Iran
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Norouzi, Nima; Amirkabir university of technology (Tehran polytechnic)
    In the early 1970s, Iran showed a strong desire to create a healthy environment. However, no one expected Iran to sacrifice economic growth for the environment. Therefore, the constitution included some principles that combined pollution control and environmental protection programs with current development programs to ensure that environmental activities are considered part of national development. Iran’s development programs show that in encouraging and preserving the environment, the role of the government before and after the Islamic Revolution, instead of promoting competition, efficiency, and protection through market mechanisms, was direct command and supervision. In this regard, the weakness of executive programs, lack of public awareness and disregard for individuals and factories of policies and laws, prioritization of annual budget allocation in areas other than the environment has led to the inability of environmental control policies in Iran. Therefore, it is very important to answer two basic questions in the future. Do the beliefs of the people of the society matter for the destruction of the environment and call for serious action to deal with the environmental hazards? Has the government provided a suitable platform and opportunity for environmental protection? Answering these questions leads to the formulation of policies and their operational implementation concerning environmental issues in the country’s program and budget, and the success of policies depends on the answers to these questions.
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    Confusing problem of green architecture and false green architecture in mena region
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-03-03) Norouzi, Nima; Nasiri, Zahra; Amirkabir university of technology; Islamic Azad university
    Achieving sustainable and environmentally friendly architecture is one of the main goals people have made to better life as the final model for their professional activities. Thus, moving towards greener architecture is considered the primary goal of the architecture of our time. The purpose of this study is to analyze architectural projects that have already been implemented in Middle Eastern countries in terms of their compatibility with the objective concepts of sustainability and the green standards they require. Therefore, for review and study, the purpose of this article is to discover the level of sustainability classification system such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) that can be effective in classifying current architectural projects. Studies show three concepts for analyzing contemporary architecture: 1. green, 2. false green, and 3. energy-seller. Besides, these studies have shown that some projects, although attempting to convey sustainable architecture concepts in appearance, are not sustainable. In recent stages, this paper intends to evaluate the effectiveness of the LEED classification system. In evaluating the LEED classification system, the results show that the system’s purpose is more for planning purposes than objective design goals and practical tools for analyzing the architectural design process. The analysis based on this study shows that it is necessary to use design-based patterns to move false green architecture to green architecture.
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    An investigation of the climate change impacts on the water resources in Iran
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Norouzi, Nima; Amirkabir university of technology
    Climate change may be defined as a change in the timing of weather conditions over a period of time. In this paper, relying on IPCC scenarios to investigate the effects of climate change on water resources.