Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Dynamics of carbon dioxide adsorption by carbon nanotubes
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Sabadash, Vira; Gumnitsky, Jaroslaw; Lopushansky, Oleksiy; Matsuska, Oksana; Nowik-Zając, Anna; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S. Z. Gzhytskyi; Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
    This article is devoted to the study of the carbon dioxide adsorption process. The relevance of using carbon nanotubes for adsorbing carbon dioxide from industrial emissions is that carbon nanotubes have a high surface area and can effectively interact with carbon dioxide molecules. In addition, they have high mechanical strength and chemical resistance, which makes them attractive for industrial use. Carbon nanotubes have the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and reduce the negative impact on the environment. Using carbon nanotubes in the industry can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental impact of burning fossil fuels. Purpose. The work aimed to study the prospects of using carbon nanomaterials to purify industrial emissions from carbon dioxide in a fluidized state. The scientific novelty of the topic "Dynamics of carbon dioxide adsorption by carbon nanotubes" is the study of the influence of temperature and gas velocity on the initial curves of CO2 adsorption dynamics in the fluidized state.
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    Statics of adsorption of anionic surfactants
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Sabadash, Vira; Konovalov, Oleh; Nowik-Zając, Anna; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Academy of Jan Dlugosz in Czestochow
    The paper presents the results of the study of the statics of adsorption of surface-active substances from model solutions by activated carbon and zeolite. The results of photometric determination of the concentration of anionic surfactants before and after adsorption are presented. The results of adsorption capacity calculations are presented. The experimental results using the program (Langmuir 1.03) were numerically calculated. Sorption isotherms of sodium dodecyl sulfate indicate the mechanism of monomolecular physical adsorption. A good convergence of experimental data and theoretical calculations were established, the coefficient of determination R2>0.9, the value of the Chebyshev criterion 9·10-4... 2·10-4, and the root mean square deviation equal to 0 were established.
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    Use of Modified Adsorbents to Remove Pesticides From Wastewater
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Sabadash, Vira; Gumnitsky, Jaroslaw; Nowik-Zając, Anna; Zawierucha, Iwona; Krylova, Galyna; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Academy of Jan Dlugosz in Czestochów
    The migration of highly concentrated pesticide solutions in the soil has been experimentally studied. A mathematical model of the diffusion process in the soil environment has been developed. Based on the mathematical model, a system of equations for calculating the duration and intensity of the process depending on environmental parameters was obtained. The dependence of the process velocity on the direction of the diffusion front is determined, and the diffusion coefficients, kinetic coefficients of the diffusion process and the diffusion front velocity were calculated. Environmental aspects of pesticide migration were analysed. The diffusion coefficient of glyphosate in the model soil environment is established. Under the experimental conditions, the diffusion coefficient value was D = 1.755×10-12 m2/s. The study results of the process of migration of the component up the soil profile indicate the mechanism of molecular diffusion of glyphosate in the soil environment. The results of experimental research and the solution of the mathematical model were used to model the migration process in the Comsol Multiphysics environment. Analysis of theoretical and experimental results showed that the developed model could be used to calculate the dynamics of the spread of the pesticide front in the soil with sufficient accuracy.