Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Implementation of The Weather Station Software on A Microprocessor Platform Using .NET Technology
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Marii, Bohdan; Pavych, Tetyana; Paramud, Yaroslav; Lviv Polytechnic National University; MedBridge Inc.
    The article presents an implementation of the weather station software on a microprocessor platform using .NET technology. The system consists of a hardware module that collects weather data, a microprocessor platform that processes data, and a software application that visualizes and stores data. The software system is designed using the NET platform, which provides an environment for software de- velopment. The system uses a web interface that allows users to access the weather from anywhere with a web browser. The test results of the system demonstrate collecting, pro- cessing, and presenting the weather in real time. By compar- ing readings from AccuWeather with data collected by Ar- duino sensors, we ensure the accuracy of measurements. AccuWeather Europe is a source of weather data that can be used to validate weather information collected by Arduino sensors. In the developed systems, neural networks for weather forecasting are also used. The neural networks learn patterns and relationships in historical weather data to pre- dict future weather conditions.
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    Features of the implementation of smart technologies in the mine
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021) Butov, Maksym; Pavych, Tetyana; Paramud , Yaroslav; Lviv Polytechnic National University; MedBridge Inc
    The basic methods and principles of mine safety systems have been considered in the paper. The algorithm of one possible smart device (smart helmet) is depicted. This algorithm describes the basic principles of this device. The device allows to find danger in the environment where the miner works, as well as monitors the condition of the miner. It can also quickly analyze this information and report the danger when it is detected. The system has been developed and programmed including basic modules for implementing this algorithm. The results of the comparative analysis of the new system showed an increase in the level of safety by 45 % compared to other systems.
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    Computer system for converting gestures to text and audio messages
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021) Borovets, Dmytro; Pavych, Tetyana; Paramud , Yaroslav; Lviv Polytechnic National University; MedBridge Inc
    Today, there are quite a large number of deafmute and hard-of-hearing people which communicate using gestures. Therefore, it is simply necessary to provide them with modern means of communication with the surrounding world. This paper creates a holistic computer system architecture for converting gestures into text and audio messages. The principles of construction and basic design solutions of a computer system based on a modern element base with increased productivity and minimization of hardware costs and energy consumption have been developed. The most popular existing solutions for gesture recognition are considered and analyzed. The operation of the main components has been described, the principle of functioning of the entire system has been analyzed, and their advantages and disadvantages have been compared. The latest structural components for building a computer system (both physical and software) have been selected and investigated. Physical features include: the state-of-the-art Arduino Nano computing platform, the HC-05 Bluetooth module, the ADXL335 accelerometer, and the latest ZD10-100 Information sensor (flexibility sensor). Software features include: firmware for the Arduino Nano hardware platform, Python-based software for splitting the flow of letters into words, displaying them, and voicing them. The methods of Google Media Translation API and Google Text-to-speech (gTTS) have been analyzed. The expediency of conducting research has improved performance through the use of a new information sensor, which is a flexibility sensor ZD10-100 500 g. The general structural scheme of all systems has been designed.
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    Method for Time Minimization of Api Requests Service from Cyber-Physical System to Cloud Database Management System
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-02-26) Pavych, Nataliya; Pavych, Tetyana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Authors have analyzed the current state of cloud calculations and discovered the necessity of Application Programming Interface (API) usage in some of the cyberphysical systems (CPhS). The expediency of creating tools to reduce service time of Application Programming Interface requests and effective synchronization of the local and cloud database has been established. The authors clarified one of the main features of data replication. The expediency of using counter generations in the replication process instead of using system timer has been justified. The authors proposed the asynchronous method of accelerated service time for API requests to cloud database management systems using a synchronization accumulative table and registering changes in database with two-step sets of generations. Library that provides implementation of asynchronous API requests for Salesforce cloud management systems has been developed. Any Ruby on Rails application can use this library. Authors have evaluated and carried out benefits for the proposed solutions in test cases. Results of the test cases confirm service time minimization of API requests to the cloud database management system based on the proposed asynchronous method.