Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Analysis of demand for public transport service in Lviv city
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14) Gits, Ivanna; Zhuk, Mykola; Pivtorak, Halyna; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The demand for public transport on the example of Lviv city is analyzed in the paper. The aim of the trip, the duration of the trip, vehicle occupancy rate, walking approach to the stop, and the choice of public transport mode are determined as the main impact factors. The questioning of 1100 users of public transport is carried out. During the formation of transport strategy of public transport system functioning in large cities, it is necessary to consider such factors of functioning as optimal, from the view of transport provision, location of places of work and study, trips are up to 45 min; vehicle occupation rate is up to 80% (on the most routes); the walking distance is up to 600 m; vehicles of large capacity. The provision of these indicators in transport systems will provide an opportunity to increase the effectiveness and enlarge the demand for public transport services as a result of qualitative functioning.