Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Apparatus-technological scheme of tin cans scrap recycling with obtaining technical products
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-03-03) Dmitrikov, Valerii; Vakal, Serhii; Vakal, Viktoriia; Pliatsuk, Leonid; Poltava State Agrarian Academy; Scientific-Research Institute of Mineral Fertilizers and Pigments of Sumy State University
    The article is devoted to the study of reducing the technogenic load on the environment due to the integrated processing of household metal scrap. A waste-free, resource saving, and environmentally safe method is proposed for extracting technical products from tin cans scrap – iron (III) oxide, tin (II) complex, suitable for further use, a mixture of ammonium and sodium nitrates as fertilizer for agriculture. As a result of theoretical and experimental studies, the direction of cans scrap recycling was selected with an assessment of the parameters and factors affecting the reagent process of scrap disposal. To verify the proposed method for can scrap processing in experimental studies, the reagent method and physical modeling were used together. The processes of the reagent can scrap recycling were studied in a laboratory installation. The results of studies on the reagent can scrap processing with the individual component allocation in the form of their derivatives are presented. A block diagram and a hardware-technological scheme for scrap processing with the receipt of technical products have been developed. The possibility of processing other metal-containing wastes according to the proposed scheme is shown.
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    Assessing the impact of Sumy CHP on soil
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-03-21) Pliatsuk, Leonid; Hurets, Larysa; Miakaieva, Hanna; Miakaiev, Oleksandr; Sumy State University
    The paper presents assessment of the impact of Sumy CHP when pollutants come into soils with atmospheric precipitation and filtration from the area of the ash and slug dump. Samples of snow were tested for the content of heavy metals and ash particles. Soil samples were tested for the content of heavy metals. The conducted research showed a high degree of soil contamination in the area of Sumy CHP influence.