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    The formation of digital business factors
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Pyrog, O.; Poritska, A.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article is concerned with identifying and studying factors affecting digital business formation and development process in order to form tools for affecting the digital business. The novelty of this research paper is establishing causes increasing the volume of digital business and the dependence of its growth rate on the existing factors. The authors define the concept of digital business as an entrepreneur activity (providing electronic commerce, electronic services) in the Internet for making a profit with the help of information and communication technologies that blur boundaries between the real and virtual worlds. The digital business structure is studied and analysed. It is generally distinguished 4 sectors (electronic financial services; electronic commerce; electronic education and training; other electronic transactions). The authors prove that modern digital business model has been transformed from a 4-sectoral into a 3- sectoral one, including electronic commerce, electronic financial services, electronic education and training. It is suggested to study and define factors affecting the development of digital business according to sevenstage sequence of digital business evaluation. The hypothesis concerning a set of digital business factors is proposed and 24 factors affecting digital business are identified, among which 8 factors mostly affect the digital business market of the European Union. The authors also distinguish influencing factors which are common for all three sectors of digital business, such as: Internet use by individuals, proportion of people using the Internet to order goods or services, the level of household Internet access. The methodology of the given research is based on scientific and verification principles, comparative, structural and system analysis. Applying economic and mathematical methods, it has been investigated the correlation between the digital business and the main factors affecting it. The correlation density between the outcome feature and influencing factors using a determination coefficient is estimated. The given research proves that factors are multicollinear between each other. It has been revealed the correlation between the EU digital business volume and chosen factors
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    Model of sustainable development of the national economy of Ukraine: assessment of current state and prospects of development
    (Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2016) Kuzmin, O.; Shpak, N.; Pyrog, O.
    The article considers the research of sustainable development model of national economy of Ukraine at the modern conditions. Determine the structural changes of national economy of Ukraine at the period of 2001 – 2012. During the period from 2001 to 2012 increase of the share of economic activities of the sphere of immaterial production, while reduction of the share of economic activities of the sphere of material production. The lack of progress in the development and implementation of new technologies prevented the improvement of industrial competitiveness, which partly led to a deep structural crisis and drop in production. The share of type of economic activity in the structure of the national economy does not affect its importance for the development of national economy. The poor energy efficiency of Ukraine poses a serious threat to its economic security that results in a deformed structure of production and consumption, in the usage of old technology of production of energy and in slow implementation of energy saving technologies. For sustainable development of Ukrainian national economy at unstable modern conditions must improving public-private partnership in the field of energy efficiency are substantiated.
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    Transformation of developmentModel of national economies at conditions of postindustrial society
    (Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Kuzmin, O.; Pyrog, O.; Melnik, L.
    The article considers the results of transformation of development model of national economies at conditions of postindustrial society. Determine the structural changes of national economies of postindustrial societies (the U.S., EU) and Ukraine at the period of 2001 – 2012. Substantiated that for development of Ukrainian national economy at terms of postindustrial society must stimulate the development of intellectual economic activities.
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    Modelling of investment development of national economy of Ukraine on basis of regression analysis
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2013) Kuzmin, O.; Pyrog, O.
    The article considers the results of modeling of investment development of national economy of Ukraine during 2001-2011 on basis of regression analysis. Determine the influence of the investment to economic development of national economy of Ukraine. Sectors of national economy divided to three groups of level of investment impact to economic development.