Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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Search Results

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    The development of e-commerce in terms of virtualization industry
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Pyrog, O. V.; Horyachka, A. I.
    The article focuses on the analysis of the virtual economy, global trends in e commerce, market size of e-commerce and the prospects of their development. Innovations in e-commerce, industry 4.0, which is a profitable platform for investments from around the world, are presented.
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    Operation and modernisation of fixed assets at machine-building enterprises
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Pyrog, O. V.; Stelmakh, K. P.
    The article presents the research into the issues of operation and modernisation of fixed assets that is of particular importance in conditions of investment development by machine-building enterprises at the modern stage of the economic development of Ukraine. Investments targeting particular facilities (buildings, transportation means, and equipment) stress the relations between investments and fixed assets. Modernisation seen as improvement of functional features of equipment, taking into account the stimulating factors, helps increase the production quality indicators.
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    Strengthening micro-entrepreneurship for the disadvantaged youth in Middle East and North Africa
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Pyrog, O. V.; Shevchenko, N. V.
    The article presents the research of tools that stimulate micro-entrepreneurship for unemployed youth, facilitate self-employment, formalize entrepreneurship and lessen the gender gap in business. The proposals developed are aimed at creating new business opportunities for the unemployed young people. Centers of Professional Orientation and Integration (CPOI) create and utilize online database, combining business and education resources. This database is the key element of the system as it accumulates information about labor market for CPOI, creates business education environment for disadvantaged youth and provides non-financial support for entrepreneurs. We address the problem of unemployment by implementing an innovative database system realized using cloud technology with real-time data about participants and business partners. Cloud technology will provide CPOIs with efficient communications, which allows easy monitoring of CPOIs activities across the country. The database will aggregate real-time data and segment it according to economic, social, professional and regional characteristics in order to create appropriate CPOI strategy.
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    Assessment of the stability of the national economy development in the postindustrial society
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Kuzmin, O. Ye.; Pyrog, O. V.; Matviyishyn, V. Ye.
    The article presents the results of the national economy development stability assessment in the postindustrial society. The method of assessment based on the efficient state management under optimal economic, innovation and investment, and social conditions is proposed.
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    Assessment of the investment factor impact on the economic development of national economy of Ukraine
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Kuzmin, O. Ye.; Pyrog, O. V.
    Article presents the results of the research of impact of investment factor on economic development of Ukraine and types of economic activities for the period 2000-2011 are presented; and determines types of economic activities, that are priority for investments in order to ensure the development of the national economy in framework of the post-industrial society.