Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    New data acquisition system for birch sap concentrate production using the reverse osmosis technology
    (Lublin, 2018-06-26) Wawer, J.; Bilek, M.; Sosnowski, S.; Gdańsk University of Technology; University of Rzeszów
    The work presents a simple electronic device that helps to monitor the basic parameters of the reverse osmosis (RO) system during the concentration of birch tree sap. The construction costs are low (around 150 Euro) but the functionality of the device is high. It has an in-build two channel conductometer and can measure the volumetric flow rate of two streams of liquids. The collected data are transmitted wirelessly via Bluetooth to a PC computer. The new data acquisition system can help to monitor the work of RO apparatus in standard conditions or in the research and development works. It provides essential data for the process modeling and economic aspects analysis of birch sap concentrate production.
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    New technologies for extending shelf life of birch tree sap
    (Lublin, 2018-06-26) Bilek, M.; Cebula, E.; Krupa, K.; Lorenc, K.; Adamowicz, T.; Sosnowski, S.; University of Rzeszów; MA, Białystok, Poland
    Three experiments were carried out to assess the effectiveness of the so-called new technologies in extending birch tree sap shelf life. In the first one, microfiltration of birch sap was carried out using 0.22 μm, 0.45 μm and 0.8 μm filters. In the second experiment, ultraviolet radiation was applied for 5, 15 and 45 minutes. In the third experiment ultrasound was applied with one-, two-, three- and four-fold use. Regardless of the pore diameter, all the microfiltered samples were nonperishable for at least a month at room temperature. The efficacy of ultrasound was also demonstrated. The four-fold use of ultrasound proved to be the most effective and prolonged the shelf life of birch sap from one to two days at room temperature and from four to twelve days in refrigeration conditions. In turn, the use of ultraviolet radiation did not extend the shelf life of birch sap, although in refrigeration conditions the clouding was significantly inhibited. However, there is no doubt that among the so-called new technologies, microfiltration is the most advantageous in extending shelf life of birch sap and has perspectives for use in food industry.
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    Specifics personalized approach in the analysis of medical information
    (Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2016) Melnykova, N.; Marikutsa, U.; Sosnowski, S.
    In this article suggest some new approaches to solving the problems of medical data analysis and their personalization. To accomplish this was proposed to create a decision support system to the execution of sequence stages of analysis of patient's data. The main stages of development and design of decision support systems that enable to make decomposition of control process and describe the relationship between input and output control flows. Applying the theory of decision trees during construction of decision trees of decision support system is due to the formation of a sequence of questions asked by the doctor when searching an individual approach when choosing a treatment. Decision tree creates a hierarchical structure of rules. This approach allows you to present the logic of sequence issues by doctor in solving the medical problem history and it makes possible to simulate decision making process by physician when selecting treatment scheme. Search the target value of output of decision medical support system makes it possible to select top of graph system that is located with more probability on the best way to the target. Important step in addressing the process of personalizing treatment schemes is estimated function that is based on Bayes theorem. Weight of occurrence next event corresponds to the highest value of the posterior probability of occurrence of the next state, given the time-dependent input parameters. Proposed improved method of decision-making for personalization standard schemes by modifying the method of decision-making based on decision trees considering relationship between the input parameters and evaluation function and result of its works is a personalized therapeutic scheme of treatment. It analyzed the quantitative results of applying the proposed method and existing for determining personalized schemes.