Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Modern comprehensive information system for environmental quality monitoring
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Honcharenko, Artem; Voloshkina, Olena; Kupinskyi, Ihor; Zhukova, Olena; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
    The threat to ecological balance can turn into a global problem, and we observe its deviations, which arise as a result of complex relationships between natural and social environments. Direct and indirect human impact on Earth's ecosystems together and interdependently form the planet's ecosystem, resulting in changes in the social environment of a human. Today's global problems are increasingly shifting to the side of developing countries, where environmental pressure is increasing because along with “pre-industrial” pollution, a new one is emerging, related to the invasion of multinational corporations and “exports” of polluting industries to “third world” countries. Modern “industrial” pollution in developing countries is the result of the transfer of many polluting industries to the “third world”, such as the construction of enterprises, chemical plants, chemicalization of agriculture. Due to this, the concentration of the population in the largest agglomerations is growing.
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    Impact of weather factors on the speed of the reaction of formaldehyde formation above motorway overpasses
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-02-01) Sipakov, Rostyslav; Trofimovich, Volodimir; Voloshkina, Olena; Bereznitska, Julia; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
    The analysis of the actual air condition in the city of Kyiv in the areas of big overpasses and crossroads shows that the average annual concentration of formaldehyde more than 3 times exceeds the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of this toxic substance. One of the most powerful sources of formaldehyde formation in the air of the city is motor vehicles. The role of weather factors in formaldehyde formation rate (K) depending on capacity of emissions of internal combustion engines has been analyzed in this article. The equation for determining rate constant has been obtained, which depends on the temperature in the city of Kyiv and on the value of effective energy activation of the mentioned process. The comparison of the calculated and measured values of the rate reaction constant in Observation Point (OP) No. 9 in the area of Leningradska square has been given. The conducted research gives the opportunity to assess and obtain forecasting data on atmospheric pollution and probability of smog situations emergence in Kyiv. The suggested methodology can be used for other cities in Ukraine where motor vehicles are the main indicator of photochemical smog emergence.
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    Methodological principles of electromagnetic screens application for public protection from electromagnetic fields and radiation
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Glyva, Valentyn; Panova, Olena; Voloshkina, Olena
    The growing levels of electromagnetic fields require the improvement of protective shielding methods. Frequency and amplitude parameters of fields have been analyzed according to national and international standards of electromagnetic safety and guidelines on shielding application have been given. The methodological principles of choosing and applying electromagnetic screens depending on radiation parameters and the required protection efficiency have been developed.