Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Irrigative assessment of Sasyk water quality
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Yurasov, Serhii; Kuzmina, Viktoriia; Karaulov, Vitalii; Odessa State Environmental Uuniversity; State Ecological Inspectorate of the South-Western District Academy
    The article is dedicated to the problem of artificial Lake Sasyk which was transformed from a salty water estuary into a freshwater reservoir at the expense of the Danube waters. In the first decades, the irrigative water conditions were not achieved due to the arrival of salts from the bottom sediments. Currently, the water quality formation process in Lake Sasyk has stabilized, but the problem of land irrigation remains urgent. The article gives an irrigation assessment of the quality of the Sasyk reservoir according to various methods considering observations in the HPS-2 region from 2007 to 2017. A detailed typification of irrigation waters based on Alekin O. A. water typing is proposed. It was found that mineralization and the content of sodium and magnesium ions in the Sasyk waters promote salinization and alkalinization of soils. For the safe use of this water for irrigation, both chemical reclamation and dilution with water are necessary.