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    Modelling of the articulated vehicle dynamics taking into account the elastically fastened freight
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-01-01) Zhytenko, Oleksandr; Zalutskyi, Yurii; Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
    In this article, some methodological statements of the formation of mathematical models in the problems of machine dynamics are elucidated. The presence of a cushioned freight in the form of the fastened vehicle complicates the system, so that the equations describing its oscillations are too complicated and unsuitable for practical usage. It is shown that with all the complexity of the research object, it is expedient to form the mathematical model at the level of the design diagram (model) with a relatively small number of degrees of freedom. The peculiarities of mathematical modelling of the motion processes of specialized articulated vehicles for transportation of cars, namely, formation of the design diagram (model), making the necessary assumptions, choosing the independent coordinates and writing down the second-order Lagrange equations describing the system oscillations, are presented. While modelling, the most typical case, namely, the motion over the unit prominence (road shock), the effect of which on the wheels of the articulated vehicle is of the impact type, is considered. The choosing of the initial perturbation in the form of a unit impact is caused by the possibility of obtaining an impact characteristic, which is defined as the reaction of the system on the δ-function. In addition, under the impact action, it is possible to carry out the direct visual analysis of non-interfered single-frequency oscillatory processes, which allows to quickly obtain the approximate express-evaluation of the amplitude values of the process, frequencies of oscillations, as well as the oscillations damping decrement of the two-section articulated vehicle, if it is necessary. The mathematical model of the articulated vehicle consisting of a tractor and a semi-trailer in the form of a linear system having 9 degrees of freedom is developed. It consists of three cushioned masses, namely, the frame of the truck tractor, the frame of the semi-trailer and three non-cushioned masses, which are axles with wheels as an assembly. Both sections of this system are connected by the saddle-coupling element that is not absolutely rigid. While moving, the frames of the truck tractor and of the semi-trailer performs oscillatory motion in the vertical plane and angular oscillations about an axis passing through the centre of masses. The axles with wheels in the assembly oscillate only in the vertical plane. The peculiarity of the model is that the elastic and damping properties of the suspension of vehicle fixed on the semi-trailer are taken into account. The solution of the mathematical model allows to obtain the impact characteristic, to calculate the amplitude-frequency characteristic and to obtain the required (unknown) values of the root-meansquare accelerations of the non-cushioned masses. The technology of systemic consideration of the problems of formation of mathematical models in the form of block diagrams (structure charts) which are equivalent in dynamic relation to the systems of automatic control is offered.
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    Analysis of modern investigations of vibratory processes of wheeled vehicles
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Zalutskyi, Yurii; Zhytenko, Oleksandr; Kuzio, Ihor
    The history and modern tendencies of development of cushioning systems are analyzed in this paper. The development of mathematical modelling as a process is denoted, the methods and means are described and the necessary information of model choosing is presented. It is focused on the development of simulation modelling. The approaches of researchers, recommendations, indexes and specific features of evaluation of motion evenness are described. The works of many scientists are dedicated to analysis of car vibrations, evaluation of motion evenness and vibration-proof features. Many of them are devoted to investigation of vibrations, to optimization of basic design parameters of the cushioning system of cars and to development of new cushioning systems which allow reducing of vibratory overloading of trucks of general purpose. Taking into account the problems of motion evenness from the point of view of vibration of cushioning parts, the works of scientists are based on the linear theory of cushioning and the simplest one-mass car models are considered. It is also established that the drawback of usage of such theory consists in the fact that it is impossible to overview separately the vibrations of cushioning parts, which weight transfers to elastic elements of the suspension, and non-cushioning parts. The overview of scientific works dedicated to investigation of dynamics of wheeled vehicles allows to show the limited possibilities of traditional passive suspension system according to continuously increasing requirements to modern structures and to substantiate the necessity of usage of controlled cushioning systems. Among the existing variants of controlled cushioning systems, the half-controlled systems, which are the most optimal from the point of view of motion evenness increasing, energy consumption, complexity of structural implementation and usage safety, are of the greatest interest nowadays. On the basis of analyzed materials, it may be concluded that there exists a great amount of scientific investigations in the field of motor vehicles vibrations many of which are devoted to improvement of vibration-proof features of cars. Also a number of works are dedicated to investigation of vibratory overloading of industrial, construction and agricultural motor vehicles which are engaged in transportation of cargo of general purpose. However, too small attention is payed to development of techniques of determination of design parameters of cushioning systems of trucks which are engaged in transportation of cargo of special purpose, for example, cars transportation, where essentially greater attention should be payed to vibratory loadings which act upon such cargo during uneven motion.