Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Study of durability in the connection “cone-tungsten carbide insert” for tension dependence
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Slipchuk, Andrii; Jakym, Roman; Bembenek, Michal; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Drohobych State Pedagogical University by name I. Franko; AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków
    During and after the technological operation of pressing these factors significantly determine the residual stress states of tungsten carbide inserts, as well as in the areas near the holes of the cones’ crowns of the cone. The stressed state of the inserts and the magnitude of the stress concentration determine their fatigue strength of them and the durability of the inserted carbide rockblasting equipment of the cones in the area where the inserts the cone. Dimensional analysis was done for the inserts and holes in the cones of bit and it was established that size errors of component links of dimensional chains are distributed according to laws that are similar to the normal law of distribution of random variables. The test was carried out according to the criteria of Pearson and Kolmogorov. The influence of various random and systematic factors results to the dispersion of dimensions on the dimensional processing of conjugated surfaces. The amount of tension is a function of the dimensions for mating surfaces during assembly operations. Dispersion of dimensions for the component links of the dimensional chain of a press connection causes the formation of a practical field of dispersion of the closing link. Accuracy control for the closing link in the dimensional chain is impossible if there are no direct measurements of the constituent links. A mathematical model of the process of assembling “cone-tungsten carbide insert” joints was created. For this, the methods of mathematical statistics were applied in the study. It was established that the tension values have a greater influence on the force of pressing inserts into the holes of drill steels 14 NiCrMo1, when its hardness value is HRC 59–60 compared to HRC 48-50. This dependence has a linear character within the limits of the studied tension values. The established relationships make it possible to reasonably and most accurately form selective groups of inserts and mark holes for them. This method significantly reduces losses in the production of drilling tools.
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    Evaluation of the permissible moment in a roller cone drill bit providing the prescribed reliability of work
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-01-29) Slipchuk, Andriy; Kuk, Andriy; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    After analyzing the nature of the damage of surfaces was discovered the traces of the compression effect which arise along the cutters axis when squeezing it into the rock of delve. There were also founded the traces of deformation from the action of bending to the cutter, depending on the orientation of its slip on the face. We noticed the rubbing, fretting-corrosion, damage the local areas of the apertures walls caused by scrolling the cutter around its axis in the aperture of cones crown. In the case of the use of cutters with symmetrical aggravation of the rockdestructive part, the orientation of the generating line of active part of the cutter is determined by an effective angle to the axis of the crown of the cone. Calculations show that an angle of 45° is optimal. We noticed the rubbing, fretting-corrosion, damage the local areas of the apertures walls caused by scrolling the cutter around its axis in the aperture of cones crown. The analysis of types of rock-destructive equipment of cones damages has been revealed that with increasing the magnitude of the axial load on the bit, cases of splitting, destruction of hard-alloyed cutters increase. For this purpose, it is necessary to protect the drill`s crowns from cementation. If carbide cutters are located in several rows in the cone drill, then milling of the sites on cemented layer`s depth is effective. This prevents the removal of parts of cone`s crown. The allowable moment is proportional to the square of the height, so the connections which perceive the considerable bending moments cannot be performed with small values of the diameter or small height of the cutter shank.
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    Positive fractional and cone fractional linear systems
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2012) Kaczorek, Tadeusz
    The positive fractional and cone fractional continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems are addressed. Sufficient conditions for the reachability of positive and cone fractional continuous-time linear systems are given. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the positivity and asymptotic stability of the continuous-time linear systems are established. The realization problem for positive fractional continuoustime systems is formulated and solved. У статті розглянуто додатні дробові та конічні дробові неперервні та дискретні лінійні системи. Наведено достатні умови для досяжності таких систем. Встановлено необхідні та достатні умови для додатності та асимптотичної стабільності неперервних у часі лінійних систем. Сформульовано та розв’язано проблему реалізації додатних дробових неперервних у часі систем.