Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    State and quality of water in the Desna river basin (Within the Chernigiv region)
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Chugai, Angelina; Hlod, Anastasiia; Pylypiuk, Victor; Odessa State Environmental University
    The Desna River is a tributary of the Dnieper with a total length of 575 km within Ukraine. 468 km of them flows through the Chernihiv region. The main pollution sources of the water bodies in the Chernihiv region are utilities. Continuous monitoring of the surface water state is relevant and necessary, as it allows to give a reliable water quality assessment, to identify the anthropogenic impact factors and to assess the technogenic loading in order to establish the level of water use and to develop a set of measures to improve the state of water and the environment in general. The materials of monitoring observations of the water quality indicators of the Desna river for a long-term period, as well as the materials of the Ecological passports of the Chernihiv region concerning the water use indicators, were used as the initial data in the work. The analysis of the hydrochemical regime of the Desna River over a long period was performed using a graphical method. The assessment of the technogenic impact on the water bodies of the region was performed using the method of assessing the efficiency of water use based on the water consumption and sewerage efficiency coefficients. The analysis of the content of the water quality indicators showed that constant exceedance of the MPC (Maximum Permissible Concentrations) in the waters of the Desna River within the Chernihiv region was observed in the content of phosphates and nitrites, as well as total iron and manganese. The results of the assessment of the technogenic impact on the water basin of the Desna River showed that the drainage coefficient underwent certain changes with the best indicators in 2015–2016. No sharp fluctuations in the values of the water supply coefficient were observed. The best values of the water use efficiency complex coefficient were noted in 2015–2016. In general, in recent years the efficiency of water using indicators of the Desna River water in the Chernihiv region has corresponded to the average indicators. The results of the assessment of the technogenic impact on all components of the environment in the Chernihiv region showed that in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the technogenic impact complex indicator. In general, the Chernihiv region can be attributed to the second ecological district with a moderate technogenic loading level.
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    Irrigative assessment of Sasyk water quality
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Yurasov, Serhii; Kuzmina, Viktoriia; Karaulov, Vitalii; Odessa State Environmental Uuniversity; State Ecological Inspectorate of the South-Western District Academy
    The article is dedicated to the problem of artificial Lake Sasyk which was transformed from a salty water estuary into a freshwater reservoir at the expense of the Danube waters. In the first decades, the irrigative water conditions were not achieved due to the arrival of salts from the bottom sediments. Currently, the water quality formation process in Lake Sasyk has stabilized, but the problem of land irrigation remains urgent. The article gives an irrigation assessment of the quality of the Sasyk reservoir according to various methods considering observations in the HPS-2 region from 2007 to 2017. A detailed typification of irrigation waters based on Alekin O. A. water typing is proposed. It was found that mineralization and the content of sodium and magnesium ions in the Sasyk waters promote salinization and alkalinization of soils. For the safe use of this water for irrigation, both chemical reclamation and dilution with water are necessary.
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    The life path and scientific activity of professor Beata Kowalska
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-10) Kowalski, Dariusz; Lublin University of Technology
    In the article the main scientific activities and the main stages of the work of professor Beata Kowalska has been presented. The main scientific research embracing studies on the quality of potable water, studies aiming at devising the tools and methods facilitating water quality control in a water supply network, also studies aiming at devising the methods facilitating the operational activities, necessary for a correct functioning of water supply systems have been discussed.
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    Water resources of Ukraine: usage, qualitive and quantitative assessment (with detail description of Odessa region)
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Safranov, Tamerlan; Berlinskyi, Nikolai; Volkov, Andrei
    The level of pollutant in river and reservoirs water in Ukraine is rather high. The assessment of the modern state of water resources in the different regions had been done. In generally it was determined that water infrastructure in Ukraine needs reconstruction. New State Program of Water Management Conception and new Law about water management up to 2020 had been approved. Nine basins committees were organized. Committees are composed of representatives of science, practical specialists and the public. The main directions of this Program were supported by World Summit on Sustainable Development.