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    Financial flows in the field of insurance
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019-02-26) Alieksieiev, I.; Mazur, A.; Moroz, A.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The introduction of an insurance culture in Ukraine should be based on theoretical studies in this area. The authors carried out a certain review of Ukrainian scientific publications devoted to the development of the insurance market, the analysis of the state of insurance and insurance companies, historical experience and comparative analysis of insurance activities of Ukrainian and foreign insurers. This allowed us to formulate a proposal for a research typology and supplement it. The typology of directions of insurance problems studying, which are conducted by Ukrainian scientists taking into account generalizations of foreign experience, is given. At the same time, our research direction is oriented to one segment of the insurance market, namely, health insurance. As a result of the review of scientific publications on this topic, attention was drawn to the absence of research into financial flows in Ukraine in such segment of health insurance as medical insurance for Ukrainian students studying at foreign universities. It is well-known that Ukrainians do not use health insurance at home. This also applies to students studying at Ukrainian universities. Instead, according to foreign experience, medical insurance is compulsory to study abroad at universities. This prompts entrants, who become students of European universities, to buy health insurance policies. It is clear that such insurance is preferable if the insurance company is chosen in the country of residence of the student. It is proposed to supplement the typology of financial flows of the insurance market by the category of “insurance cash flows”. The proposal is based on the fact that there are practically two streams of medical insurance for Ukrainian students studying abroad. There are two directions of the movement of funds: payment of insurance policies by insured persons and payment of insurance funds in the insurance case by the insurer. For each of these two streams, it is suggested to use the definition “insurance cash flows”. The methodological principles for conducting research are formulated. The indicators for calculations and comparison, as well as the composition of the initial data for calculations are determined. The calculation and comparison of the volumes of insurance flows connected with medical insurance of Ukrainian citizens studying at foreign universities of five countries is made. In particular, settlements for insurance terms of Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic are made. The comparison is made in euro currency and hryvnia – the national currency of Ukraine.
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    Information and protection policy in the context of consumer advocacy solutions in the polish life insurance market
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-02-10) Ostrowska-Dankiewicz, A.; Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland)
    The article deals with the issues related to the Polish life insurance market in the context of applied information and protection policy solutions. The role of applying a new approach to protect consumer rights in the insurance market is highlighted. The importance of setting new regulatory standards and practices on the part of supervisory authorities has been emphasized in order to increase the transparency of products and the application of certain solutions or the prohibition or limitation of the sales of certain insurance. On the basis of data from the security institutions, the main problems of the Polish life insurance market from the perspective of consumers have been presented and the practices necessary to protect clients are identified.
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    Modern management solutions for logistics, finance and human resources in defense and security services
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017) Kuck, J.; War Studies University (Poland)
    The aim of the paper is to present the research analysis and author’s practical experiences in implementing modern IT solutions. These solutions concern, in particular building and implementing the Integrated Multilevel IT Systems for Logistics, Finance and HR operating in the defense and security services. The detailed research was also on possibility of implementing systems for product coding, electronic shopping and distance learning. Implementing modern IT solutions should improve performance in logistics, finance and HR in defense and security services. The implementation of these solutions in both areas at the same time will be the most effective approach to manage the assets in the most effective way. Implemented IT solutions support rational planning, collecting, storing and using assets. Logistics management should be integrated with finances and Human resources, which facilitates delivery of necessary assets in tight quantity, quality, place and time for competitive price. This will influence achieving set aims (fulfilling tasks) in time of peace, crisis and war. Presented solutions set general directions for informatization and involve implementation of the latest technologies (software, applications, hardware, and computer networks) and IT security. As the result the Integrated Multilevel IT Systems for Logistics, Finance and HR should be built. This system with applied planning, analytical and evaluation applications operates in real time and facilitate information exchange with systems of national economy, NATO and EU. The base of Integrated Multilevel IT Systems for Logistics, Finance and HR is the reliable coding and identification system for all assets used and in stock. With the coding system it is possible to organize electronic shopping which help prevent corruption. The distance learning (e-learning) is another effective solution for logistics, finance and HR. Presented possibilities of implementing new IT solutions for logistics, finance and HR are not the only possibilities new IT solutions offer. The presented ones should serve as an inspiration for decision-makers to further actions, theoretical research and practical steps. The conducted research proved that new IT solutions influence better performance of logistics, finance and HR for defense and security services. It should also be indicated that implementation of new solutions for defense and security services is long organizational and intellectual process. It needs financial means, well prepared experts at single organizational levels where these solutions are being implemented.
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    Network communication and political and economic advantage
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017) Kaźmierczak, D.; Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN (Poland)
    The aim of the paper is to identify factors responsible for gaining political and economic advantage in network society. The hypothesis is that network communication accounts for political and economic advantage. The Internet network and networking technologies provide new capabilities to new, network form of any system: political, economic (network economy), and social. To formulate findings and verify the hypothesis, the author draws on her own experience, the observation of political and social events, as well as analysis of media content, statistics and findings of the scientific research conducted by experts.
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    The role ofmerchant credit insurance in processes stimulating the economic security of companies
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017) Dankiewicz, R.; Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland)
    In the paper an attempt to present the role of merchant credit insurance in processes that affect the security of business operations of companies has been taken. As a part of the discussion, the areas and sources of the risks have been presented, their overall distribution has been taken into account, and particular attention has been paid to those that could be covered under insurance contracts concluded with credit insurers. The reasons underlying their use have been discussed, taking into account both the specificity of the risk and the benefits of its protection. In the practical part, the results of author’s own research and the conclusions drawn have been presented. The final part of the paper contains conclusions on an attempt to assess the economic viability of merchant credit insurance in the activities of individual companies taking into account the external market conditions in which they operate.