Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Аналітичний огляд мобільних медичних діагностичних систем
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Кордіяк, Д. А.; Шаховська, Н. Б.
    Проаналізовано існуючі мобільні медичні діагностичні системи. Показано, що існуючі системи по-різному ефективні та мають різну ефективність застосування. Обґрунтовано вибір розумного годинника Apple Watch як мобільного медичного пристрою. Existing mobile medical systems have been analyzed. It has been demonstrated that the existing systems are effective in different ways and have different efficacy. The choice of smart watch Apple Watch as a mobile medical device has been substantiated.
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    Analytical review of medical mobile diagnostic systems
    (Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2016) Kordiyak, D.; Shakhovska, N.
    This article analyzes the mobile medical diagnostic systems and compare them with the proposed HealthTracker system based on smart watch Apple Watch. Before the development of the system HealthTracker, there was conducted a review and analysis of existing similar systems to identify common and distinctive features of the future system. This analysis will improve HealthTracker system, based on the strengths and weaknesses of existing systems and help identify and justify the key benefits and unique system HealthTracker. The main goal is to provide a system HealthTracker convenient way to interact with the patient the doctor based on the vital signs of the patient. Apple Watch is an excellent watch presented in 2014 that has the capacity to collect and compile data on the health of the user and can be used for medical purposes. The main hardware components of the watch for collecting and analyzing health data is a technology Taptic Engine, infrared sensors and pulse. The main software components of the watch, that will be used in the design of the system is the 3 applications, each of which measures a user's vital signs. Integration with smartphone user makes data on the health of a quick and reliable. On the market today there are analogues of the system, but most of the systems are relatively new and require many improvements, some are under development prototypes. In addition, all the above systems require binding to certain equipment that is not always convenient in everyday use. To eliminate all the inconvenience in using existing systems need to create a system that is integrated into smart watches that provide ease of use, and the mechanism storing and analyzing medical data to cloud storage. An important aspect of the study is to analyze the general situation in the market of mobile medical diagnostic systems. Thanks to research the key advantages and disadvantages of the proposed mobile medical analysis system and shows its versatility compared with existing systems on the market.