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    Methodological aspects of accounting of warranty provision in accordance with international financial reporting standards
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Davydiuk, T.; Syrtseva, S.; Endres, V.; Nadraga, V.; Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
    In order to ensure that warranty repair and maintenance costs are included evenly in accordance with National Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards, entities are entitled to create provisions under warranty. Creation of such provisions allows to adjust the income and expenses for warranty repair and maintenance and to reasonably distribute expenses between the reporting periods, which helps to optimize the tax burden. The purpose of the article is to review the methodological aspects of accounting of warranty provisions in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The achievement of the stated goal necessitated the following tasks: to disclose the nature and conditions of recognition of provisions for warranty in accordance with international accounting standards; to present the methodology for accounting in the accounting and tax accounting and financial statements of the provision for warranty in accordance with IFRS; to propose methods of calculating the warranty provisions to determine their main advantages and disadvantages. The main general scientific methods of research were the analysis (for conducting the research of the main essential characteristics of the research object and peculiarities of its functioning in the context of the topic of scientific work). Analogy method, dialectical method and systematic approach were used to reflect the methodological approach to accounting and to show in the financial statements the provisions for warranty. Comparison method was used for evaluating the techniques for calculating warranty provision for entities that prepare IFRS financial statements.