Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Client-Server Library Index Automation System
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Repianskyi, N.; Rak, T.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; IT STEP University
    The goal of the work is to develop a clientserver software system for library index automation, which consists of the user interface, presented as a web page, back-end server layer, and database. The problem of developing a library index automation system has been considered. The developed structure of the library index automation system has been presented. The structure of the library index automation system database has been proposed. The features of designing the user interface of the library index automation system have been considered. The general algorithm of the library index automation system and the system's class diagram have been presented. To make sure that the developed system is secure and stable development testing as well as stress testing have been performed.
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    Approaches to Implementing Video Data Management Service with the Context-Aware Recommendation
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Pisotskyi, M.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The work aims to develop video data management service with a context-aware recommendation. It consists of the user interface which is presented as a website with the mobile application and the server. This paper describes the approaches to implementing video data management service. The decomposition of the task of video data management service development, the use case diagram, the generalized class diagram, the technologies and the services used in the development process have been considered. The developed structure of the video data management service has been presented. Features of designing the user interface of the video data management service have been considered. The issue of testing the developed video data management service has been considered.
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    Propagator-Oriented Programming Model Using Java
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Bilyk, Vladyslav; Sachenko, Anatoliy; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The aim of this work is to explore and analyze an unconventional style of programming based on a pro- pagator-oriented model of computation. The paradigm of propagation is characterized by networks of local, independent, stateless machines interconnected with stateful storage cells. This model allows for a highly modular design and multidirectional computation, enabling the creation of complex systems that can respond to changes and update their state accordingly. This work provides an overview of the propagator- oriented programming model, its motivations, and its advantages over other well-known alternative styles, using unsophisticated examples written in the Java programming language. We illustrate how propagator networks can be used to build flexible and efficient systems and present a basic framework for building such networks. The foun- dational components of the propagation model are imple- mented in Java as groundwork for the general-purpose framework. We demonstrate the power of propagator-oriented prog- ramming through an example of a Pythagorean Theorem implementation. The example shows how the model can be used to build complex systems of an arbitrary number of constraints and cells. We highlight the importance of information propagation over limited linear computation and the benefits of the multidirectional computation enabled by propagator networks.
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    Дослідження технології створення прикладних аплікацій для ОС Android
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Махун, Д.; Демида, Б.
    Досліджено технології створення для операційної системи мобільних платформ Android аплікації графічного представлення динамічно-змінної інформації. Наведено приклад розв’язання поставленої задачі відтворення розкладу для студентів/викладачів Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” з використанням засобів Android SDK. Аплікація є графічним інтерфейсом, що отримує дані від веб-ресурсу по протоколу HTTP за допомогою безпровідної мережі. In this article investigated methods of graphic representation for dynamically changed information – namely, representation for students’/lecturers’ schedule of Lviv Polytechnic National University – in an application for operating system Android. Given example of solving current task using utilities of Android SDK. Android application is a graphical interface that receives data from a Web-resource (site) using wireless technology for data networks – web service technology. The relation between web-site and application is based on HTTP-requests on the Internet.
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    Data classification of spectrum analysis using neural network
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Мatviykiv, О. М.; Faitas, О. І.
    This article provides the comparison of libraries neural networks. Based on this analysis was determined to develop a neural network for classification of spectra based on Encog library, because it implemented many components and gives the best result with a small number of items for training. Showed the architecture of neural networks for data classification of spectral analysis. Наведено аналіз бібліотек нейронних мереж. На основі аналізу запропоновано розробляти нейронну мережу для класифікації спектрів на основі бібліотеки Encog, оскільки вона реалізовує безліч компонентів та дає найкращий результат з невеликою кількістю даних для навчання. Подано архітектуру нейронної мережі для класифікації даних спектрального аналізу.