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    Theoretical and applied principles of anticipatory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Kuzmin, O. Ye.; Melnyk, O. G.; Adamiv, M. Ye.
    In the article the actuality of anticipatory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals in modern highly dynamic, uncertain and unpredictable operating conditions is grounded. The concept of anticipatory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals by the process-structured approach is formulated. The methodology of evaluation of anticipatory management effectiveness implementation at the enterprises is characterized and the most popular results of anticipatory management fulfillment at investigated enterprises are shown.
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    Методико-прикладні засади аналізування антисипативного менеджменту на машинобудівних підприємствах
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Кузьмін, О. Є.; Мельник, О. Г.; Адамів, М. Є.
    Розроблено методичні положення з аналізування антисипативного менеджменту на машинобудівних підприємствах. Обґрунтовано ключові завдання, напрями та інструментарій дослідження антисипативного менеджменту на машинобудівних підприємствах. Сформовано послідовність аналізування антисипативного менеджменту на машинобудівних підприємствах. The actuality of the research is caused by the lack of progressive management mechanisms (including anticipatory management) at the domestic machine-building enterprises, which are in the difficult crisis positions at present. It is founded that today practically there are no scientific developments on the implementation and use of anticipatory management at the machine-building enterprises. The purpose of the research is to develop the methodical and applied regulations of anticipatory management analysing at the machine-building enterprises. It is grounded that these regulations must be aimed at understanding by managers the need to implement the anticipatory management at their enterprises in today's challenging environment, to realize this type of management as a full complete process in the management system, to avoid or solve in the optimal way the problems of anticipatory management use, to form a high-quality set of instruments for performing the specific assignment of anticipatory management, to develop the efficient technology of anticipatory management realization and so on. It is formed the sequence of anticipatory management analysing at the machine-building enterprises, which includes setting the goals of anticipatory management analysing at the machine-building enterprises, identification the directions of anticipatory management analysing at the machine-building enterprises, planning the collection of primary data on the problem, collecting the primary data, processing the gathered information, its ordering and presentation of results, formulation the conclusions and recommendations of implementation, improvement and development of anticipatory management at the enterprises. It is formulated the key objectives of specialized research of anticipatory management on the basis of weak signals at the machine-building enterprises (detection the presence and state of anticipatory management, identification and investigation of its elements, setting the problematic issues and results from the implementation of anticipatory management at the enterprises). It is also generalized the key directions of anticipatory management analysing at the machine-building enterprises (the elements of anticipatory management (subjects and objects of anticipatory management, functions of anticipatory management, operations and tasks, which are related to the implementation of the specific assignment of anticipatory management, methods that provide the implementation of specific assignment of anticipatory management, management decisions, weak signals of functioning environment, information provision of anticipatory management); the problems of anticipatory management realization at the enterprises; the results from the implementation and use of anticipatory management at the enterprises; evaluation of effectiveness of anticipatory management implementation at the enterprises; identification the awareness of managers about the essence and role of anticipatory management on the basis of weak signals at the enterprises; identification the presence and state of anticipatory management or its elements at the enterprises. It is grounded the planning process of collecting the primary data on the problem, that involves selection the methods of information collection (observation, survey, experiment, simulation, panel); forming the sample from the general population of enterprises which will be the objects of anticipatory management research; selection the way of communication with the contact audience of investigated enterprises (telephone, Internet, mail, personal contact); formation and preparation the research instruments (questionnaires, electronic and mechanical devices, audio and video).
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    The role of innovative creative collectives in anticipatory management of enterprises
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2013) Shpak, N.; Goryachka, O.; Adamiv, M.
    In the article the actuality of anticipatory management as an objectively necessary element of the enterprise’s management process in today’s rapidly changing and uncertain business environment is grounded. The role and functional assignment of innovative creative collectives in the implementation, forming and using the anticipatory management mechanisms at the enterprises are developed.