Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    The potential of organic waste as a substrate for anaerobic digestion in Ukraine: trend definitions and environmental safety of the practices
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-03-01) Chernysh, Yelizaveta; Vladimir, Shtepa; Roy, Igor; Chubur, Viktoriia; Skvortsova, Polina; Anastasia, Ivlieva; Danilov, Dmitry; Sumy State University; Polissya State University; International Innovation and Applied Center “Aquatic Artery”
    This article is devoted to the analysis and prospects of using different types of organic waste to achieve environmental goals. Due to the unique climate and natural resources, Ukraine has significant potential for biomass, the processing of which should solve urgent problems with the disposal of waste, as well as the production of alternative energy sources and biofertilizers. The preferred substrates for anaerobic digestion in Ukraine, considering the technological feasibility, availability, and volume are animal manure (cattle, pigs), bird droppings, plant residues, industrial sludge, common sludges. After analyzing the statistics for 2015-2019, the groups of dominant wastes were identified, and with the help of the built-in function “TREND”, the forecast of the waste potential with an organic component for 2021–2026 was constructed. Examining the obtained indicators for different types of waste, the reasons for the tendency of decrease or increase in their formation in the next five years were revealed. The direction of enhancing the sustainability of bioenergy, achieving environmental goals through the bioprocessing of organic waste associated with the ecological safety of production processes were discussed.
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    Influence of Perkins 1104D-44TA motor powered with SME supply on the CO, NOx, THC and O2 emissions
    (Lublin, 2018-06-26) Wcisło, G.; Kurczyński, D.; Łagowski, P.; Pracuch, B.; Leśniak, A.; Tomyuk, V.; University of Agriculture in Krakow; Malopolskie Centre for Renewable Energy Sources "BioEnergia”; Kielce University of Technology; Lviv National Agrarian University
    The paper presents the results of research on the impact of Perkins 1104D-44TA engine powered with sunflower oil methyl esters and, for comparison, with diesel fuel, in terms of emission of CO, THC, NOx and O2. The tests were carried out on the engine test stand. During the tests, the engine worked according to the external speed characteristics in the range from 1000 to 2200 rpm. The esters used for powering the tested engine were produced using the GW 200 reactor designed and made by Grzegorz Wcisło, one of the co-authors of the paper. The results of the tests carried out showed a decrease in the concentration of carbon monoxide in the exhaust gases, hydrocarbons when powering the engine with sunflower oil esters in relation to powering the engine with diesel fuel. At the same time, the concentration of nitrogen oxides and oxygen in the exhaust gases increased. The reduction of THC and CO emissions is the result of better combustion and afterburning of fuel. However, the increase in the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases results from the fact that in the biofuel structure there is oxygen which is used in combustion and reduces the oxygen demand from the atmosphere. On the other hand, the increase in NOx emissions is the result of a higher combustion temperature than when the engine is powered by diesel fuel.
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    Influence of the SME run Perkins 1104D-44TA engine on the power and torque as well as unitary and hourly fuel consumption
    (Lublin, 2018-06-26) Łagowski, P.; Kurczyński, D.; Wcisło, G.; Pracuch, B.; Leśniak, A.; Tomyuk, V.; Kielce University of Technology; University of Agriculture in Krakow; Malopolskie Centre for Renewable Energy Sources “BioEnergia”; Cracow University of Economics; Lviv National Agrarian University
    he article presents the results of tests determining the impact of using sunflower oil methyl esters on power and torque as well as unitary and hourly fuel consumption of the Perkins 1104D-44TA engine. Biofuels were produced in the Fuel and Energy Laboratory belonging to the Maopolskie Centrum Energii Odnawialnej (Małopolskie Center for Renewable Energy Sources), while analyzes of the selected fuel parameters were performed both in the above-mentioned laboratory and in the Liquid Biofuels Laboratory at the University of Agriculture in Krakow. Engine tests were carried out on the engine test stand at the Kielce University of Technology. During the tests, the engine worked according to the external speed characteristic. The results of the tests have shown that the engine supplied with the SME achieves slightly lower values of both power and torque than in the case of commercial fuel oil type Ekodiesel Ultra from the ORLEN S.A company. There was also an increase, especially in the case of higher unitary fuel consumption. Hourly fuel consumption was higher when supplied with SME in relation to the diesel fuel supply, although not as much as unitary consumption. The increase in SME consumption at the engine supply can be explained by the lower fuel value of SME, which contains oxygen in its structure.
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    Improvement of the ecological safety of road transport in the use of alternative fuel and exhaust converters
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-03-21) Shmandiy, Volodymyr; Kharlamova, Olena; Rigas, Tetyana; Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostohradskyi National University
    The aim of the research was to reduce ecological danger caused by vehicles through the use of combined fuel and improved designs converters of exhaust gases. The use of obsolete structures of a catalytic analyzer on cars and the provision of periodic purging of catalytic units can significantly reduce soot emissions without making changes to the design of the engine. It was established that the use of a mixture of diesel fuel with biofuels (made involving waste) reduces the toxicity of exhaust gases by 30–35 % and saves hydrocarbons.
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    Ukraine’s prospects in development of marine mineral deposits
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2013) Sukach, M.
    It is shown that the known reserves of ma¬rine minerals, including polymetallic nodules hydrates, marine sapropels, etc., will last the humanity for thousands of years. International cooperation and broad cooperation of companies and enterprises of maritime mining are needed to conduct the search, along with research and operation of deep mining complexes. This will allow us to prepare for the commercial development of marine deposits of mineral and energy resources in the near future.