Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    WifiZoneCloud: A Cloud-Based Wi-Fi Hotspot Platform
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Kose, B. O.; Yaya, S.; Coskun, V.; Mantar, A.; Gebze Technical University; Turcom Technology, Istanbul; Beykent University
    Today, there are millions of Wi-Fi hotspots available by diverse service providers such as operators, public spaces, enterprises, and even cities. With the developments on OpenRoaming approach, cloud federation, automatic global roaming, efficient user onboarding and network automation have become important requirements for stakeholders within the ecosystem. This study aims to present a cloud based hotspot platform solution called WifiZoneCloud which enriches the limited hotspot capabilities of new generation firewall, access point and similar network devices; provides roaming between different locations of an institution; keeps the use of the network under control and makes the network reportable, and even performs required logging. With diverse authentication tools, the platform ensures high security according to the needs of users. Above all, these operations are completely administered in the cloud environment. The proposed new platform is likely to pave the way for the establishment of the global Wi-Fi network and present valuable opportunities in the 5G era.
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    Алгоритми пошукушляху за критерієм мінімальної затримки для центрів обробки даних
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Стрихалюк, Б. М.; Шпур, О. М.; Селюченко, М. О.; Андрухів, Т. В.
    Запропоновано використовувати алгоритм пошуку шляху за критерієм мінімального часу проходження, в основу якого покладено спосіб розрахунку оптимального шляху передавання на основі даних про поширення інформації та зміни в топології мережі, для зменшення часу обслуговування (обробки) запитів, які надходять на обслуговування до центру обробки даних, з урахуванням топологічної структури такого центру. This paper is devoted to the problem of increasing of services provisioning speed in networks with cloud technology. Under the services provisioniong speed it is meant ensuring of the lowest service provisioning latency, i.e. decreasing processing time of the requests, which are arriving for the service to the data-center. Data-center hast to ensure a unified information resource with guaranteed levels of authenticity, availability and security of the data. In cloud networks data-centers contain not only the storage servers but also a physical servers, which provide services and process requests. Each such server can contain from one to a few virtual machines, which are able to satisfy requests using appropriate components or applications for service provisioning. Redirection of the requests to the other logical or sometimes physical channels will impact on the general service provisioning time. In order to decrease serving time of the requests that arrive to the data-center and considering the data-centers topology structure the algorithm of the route search based on criteria of minimal processing time is proposed. The algorithm calculates optimal transferring route based on the information about information spreading and network topology changes. This algorithm allows taking into consideration not only the load in each channel but also a total latency of the interfaces, what allows increasing optimal route search speed under the changeable network structure. This in turn will cause decreasing requests processing time for users under the dynamic changing structure of the data-center.