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    Relationship between Conflict management strategies and economic growth of organisation
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Kuzmin, O.; Stanasiuk, N.; Maiti, S.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Conflicts are considered to be the most unpredictable issues in organisations. It is mainly associated with the opposing of ideas and actions which results in causing a hostile state among the members that affects the performance of the organization. Hence, it is imperative for the organization to develop conflict management strategies for avoiding conflicts that can support in its growth. The aim of the following study is to evaluate the relationship between the conflict management strategies and economic growth of the organisation. The research design that is selected for the following study is triangulation method where the researcher attempts to explain the association between the conflicting management strategies and economic growth through interview, questionnaire survey and literature. As per the questionnaire survey, 85 professionals has completely provided with the data. In this manner, the correlation technique is performed in which it was identified that the conflict management and economic growth has significant and positive association. Moreover, the types of strategies that are associated with the economic growth comprises of accommodation, collective bargaining, compromising and confrontation whereas avoidance is found to have insignificant association with economic growth. Moreover, the factors responsible for the conflicts are poor communication and information gap. The adverse effect of not resolving conflict is that it leads to demotivation of employees and lower productivity.
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    Модель управління захистом інформації в інформаційно-телекомунікаційній системі
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Семко, В. В.; Бурячок, В. Л.; Толюпа, С. В.; Складанний, П. М.
    З урахуванням принципів побудови дискреційних моделей управління доступом в інформаційно-телекомунікаційних системах запропоновано та досліджено модель конфлікту взаємодії об’єктів і суб’єктів кібернетичного простору. Модель конфлікту дає змогу подати систему захисту інформації у вигляді декартового добутку множин, складовими частинами яких є елементи системи захисту інформації. Отже, кібернетичний простір визначається як евклідовий метричний. Для опису зміни стану системи захисту запропоновано використовувати мовні конструкції, які після проведення лексичного та семантичного аналізу дають змогу синтезувати ланцюжки стратегій вирішення конфлікту в умовах невизначеності, відкритої множини об’єктів, суб’єктів та довільних обмежень підпростору кібернетичного простору. It is proposed and studied the model of conflict interaction of objects and subjects of cyberspace based on the principles of construction discretionary access control models in information and telecommunication systems. The model can provide information security system in the form of Euclidean product of sets, which components are elements of information security. Cyberspace is defined as the Euclidean metric. Based on the proposed model of management of information security an approach that can solve the problem of conflict interaction of objects and subjects of information and telecommunication systems with the objects of cyberspace that can be initiated by any entity or object such space. To describe changes in the state system of protection offered to use language constructs that after the lexical and semantic analysis, can synthesize chain strategy solution to the conflict in the face of uncertainty, an open set of objects, subjects and arbitrary restrictions subspace cyberspace. The results allow to identify the main conceptual approaches to creation of intellectual functioning security management information and telecommunication systems.