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Item Economic evaluation of administration systems in the context of management business processes reengineering(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019-02-26) Kuzmin, O.; Ovcharuk, V.; Zhezhukha, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe article deals with the peculiarities of an economic evaluation of administrative systems in the context of management business processes reengineering. In particular, methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of such systems are described and characterized. It is concluded that under present conditions most of the projects on construction or improvement of administrative systems belong to the category of investment projects, which, accordingly, are related to investment costs. Consequently, this necessitates the implementation of commonly used in investment management methodical approaches for the economic evaluation of the investments’ efficiency in the administration systems. The main approaches to the economic evaluation of administrative systems in the frameworks of management business processes reengineering are outlined and characterized. They include traditional financial methods, probabilistic methods, qualitative analysis tools, financial, qualitative or combined models, portfolio analysis, budget approach, project approach. Thus, the traditional financial methods of the economic evaluation of the administration systems in the management of enterprises provide for the calculation of the payback period, the net present value, the internal or average rate of return, the profitability index, the level of investments’ return, etc. Among the methods and approaches to solving the problem, the estimated Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), IT Scorecard (consideration of customer projections, finance, processes and training and development in the frameworks of administrative processes in the enterprise and administration systems) on enterprise and administration systems), Activity Based Costing (ABC), Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria (C/SCSC), Applied Information Economics (AIE), Total Value of Opportunities (TVO), Total Economic Impact (TEI), Rapid Economic Justification (REJ), etc. The hypothesis about the influence of administrative systems on the resulting indicators of a business entity was confirmed based on the results of calculations. This problem has been solved using correlation-regression analysis. Net income from sales of products (which is known to be one of the most representative absolute indicators of the economic efficiency of production and economic activity of the enterprise) was selected as the resulting (or dependent) variable. Among the independent variables (factor characteristics), the indicators of the level of administrative systems formation (R ) and the level of their stability (R ) were chosen to solve the problem. Appropriate calculations to verify the hypothesis were done for the activities of a number of domestic business entities.Item Model of economic evaluation of intellectual capital of machine-building enterprises and potential of their development(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-01-20) Kuzmin, O.; Prokopenko, I.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe article presents the results of building a model of economic evaluation of intellectual capital (IC) of machine-building enterprises suitable for the IC current level, its individual components and their potential. A typology of factors influencing the choice of IC evaluation methods in the industry has been developed. Factors of internal and external environment are described to consider when choosing a basic evaluation method of IC in machinebuilding enterprises, the direction and the impact of these factors in the current economic conditions in Ukraine being determined.The basic matrix selection method of evaluation of IC of machine-building enterprise, grounded priorities and a combination of different evaluation methods by defining their weighted grades are constructed. The graphical model of economic evaluation of machine-building enterprises IC and its development potential is designed. According to this model, indicators of the level of development of IC and its components in their cost measurement are calculated.Item Economic assessment and forecasting of the social component of man-made damage in the national economy(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2016) Bublyk M.; Rybytska O.In order to study the social component of man-made damage in the national economy, an expert model for establishing levels of technogenic morbidity of the population of Ukraine, due to the destructive influence factors (emissions, discharges, waste), have been built by means of fuzzy logic in this paper. The economic evaluation and prediction of the social component of man-made losses – cost of treating patients with tumors due to environmental pollution have been conducted. In the national economy these results should be considered in the formation of public expences on health care and the treatment of patients. This will increase the effectiveness of state regulation of the phenomenon, provide appropriate allocations for their eradication and compensation.Item Еconomic evaluation of the mechanisms of attracting corporatization-focused investments(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Heorhiady, N. H.; Fedorcha, О. Ye.The modern interpretation of the investment concept is analyzed. The modern methods of investments economic evaluation are presented. The nature of investments-attracting mechanisms is defined. A method of investments-attracting mechanisms economic evaluation is proposed.Item Methodological foundations of economic evaluation of technogenic losses of national economy(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Kuzmin, O. Ye.; Bublyk, M. I.The article considers world’s modern approaches of evaluation of technogenic losses from permanent and emergency environmental contamination (emissions, discharges, wastes), and investigates their advantages and disadvantages. The article justifies methods of fuzzy sets theory for complex economic evaluation of technogenic losses of national economy and necessity of these methods under the circumstances of vagueness and lack of information. The article also suggests the heterodox approach to economic evaluation of anticipated technogenic losses of industry branches by analyzing the risks of possible losses by means of fuzzy logic and neural networks.Item Особливості економічного оцінювання машинобудівних підприємств у процесі їх розвитку(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Тревого, О. І.У представленому дослідженні сформована базова концепція економічного оцінювання машинобудівних підприємств в процесі їх розвитку, для досягнення якої проаналізовано існуючі підходи до економічного оцінювання різних складових діяльності машинобудівних підприємств; виділено ключові групи показників для кожного напряму оцінювання; сформульовано процедуру відбору окремих показників та механізм зміни їх структури у процесі розвитку підприємства. The aim of the research is to develop the basic economic evaluation concepts of machinebuilding enterprises in their development, which is formulated to achieve three objectives: to examine existing approaches to economic evaluation of the various machine-building enterprises components; to identify key groups of indicators for each of the assessment; to compose the selection process of individual indicators and mechanism of structure changes in the enterprise development. Past studies have shown that the existing systems of machine building enterprises economic evaluation mainly focused on the analysis of business results and financial performance. Thus there are many evaluation systems of machine-building companies’ innovative development, their organizational settings and market environment, which, however, do not meet the comprehensive evaluation of some discrete levels of business and did not allow a rapid response to sudden changes in the environment or the needs of incremental adaptation strategy development enterprises to these changes. Balanced Scorecard Kaplan R. and D. Norton system and tableau de bord, which is used in France solve the adaptation problem of evaluation indicators in developing machine building enterprises. However, these systems provide opportunities to integrate quantitative and qualitative indicators to evaluate in different directions and implement cascade control at different management levels; they do not sufficiently reflect the organizational and social aspects of machine building enterprises under uncertainty environment. The studies were reviewed and modified balanced scorecard by Meysela L., Niven P., K. Radchenko, which aimed to shift the focus on the priority of human factors by innovative management. However, these approaches do not provide the necessary level of flexibility in selecting indicators assessment at different stages of development machine building enterprises and do not give answers to questions of priority and composition of these indicators specific to the industry. Given the characteristics of the machine-building enterprises and professional research formed the general concept of economic evaluation that integrates economic, organizational and innovative directions of the enterprise development, integrating the positive aspects of the described approaches to evaluation and provides a stable effect at each stage of the entity development. The concept involves the choice of basic indicators at the stage of diagnosis the enterprise current status, and when the development strategies are built – the calculation of projected values. After activities implementation the actual values of basic indicators are calculated and compared with their projections, and the result of this comparison allows you to select a group of functional indicators. After making arrangements, the calculation results give a real detailed economic evaluation of new actual state and the effectiveness of the enterprise within the described cycle. At the beginning of the next cycle of the machine-building enterprise basic indicators set has to be adjusted according to the number and composition based on how profoundly the proposed functional performance trends have changed the initial structure evaluation of the research object. This approach is justified by the stability conditions of most business processes, but is limited in use. In this case it is no longer on the evaluation process of building enterprise but effectively to create a new business model.Item Економічне оцінювання інноваційності ендогенного розвитку підприємств машинобудування(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Скворцов, Д. І.Розглянуто різні підходи до економічного оцінювання інноваційних проектів та визначення рівня їх інноваційності відповідно до моделей нейтрального та непропорційного розвитку. Зокрема проаналізовані нейтральні типи розвитку виробничих процесів за Хіксом, Харродом і Солоу. Встановлено, що нейтральні типи розвитку виробничих процесів не можуть забезпечувати рівня економічної інноваційності інвестиційних проектів. Тому запропоновано непропорційний тип розвитку діяльності підприємства. При непропорційному типу розвитку спостерігається прискорене зростання фондовіддачі. За таких умов підприємство, реалізуючи інвестиційний проект, може отримати економічний прибуток. The paper considered various approaches to economic evaluation of innovative projects and determine their level of innovation according to models of neutral and disproportionate development. Specifically analyzed are neutral types of manufacturing processes by Hicks, Harrod and Solow. Established that neutral types of production processes can not provide the level of economic innovation investment projects. Thus the disproportionate type of business activity. If disproportionate type of rapidly growing assets. Under these conditions, the company implementing the investment project can obtain economic benefits.Item Метод економічного оцінювання привабливості підприємства для інвесторів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Георгіаді, Н. Г.; Федорчак, О. Є.Розглянуто методи залучення інвестицій на підприємство. Наведено існуючі підходи до визначення сутності поняття “інвестиційна привабливість підприємства”. Запропоновано метод економічного оцінювання інвестиційної привабливості підприємства на основі розрахунку очікуваної майбутньої ринкової вартості його акцій. The article deals with methods of attracting investment to the enterprise. Shows the existing approaches to defining the essence of “investment attractiveness of the enterprise”. A method for the economic evaluation of investment attractiveness based on the estimated future market value of its shares.Item Економічне оцінювання інноваційної продукції машинобудування у випадку ануїтетів(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2008) Політанська, О. Л.Отримано аналітичний вираз для розрахунку терміну окупності затрат на розроблення та впровадження у серійне виробництво інноваційної продукції. Досліджено залежності норми внутрішньої дохідності від тривалості виробництва і відношення інвестиційних витрат до річного грошового потоку. Показано, що граничне значення дисконтної ставки, при якому реалізація проекту доцільна, не повинно перевищувати величини відношення річного грошового потоку до витрат на розроблення і впровадження за умови ануїтету. An analytic expression for the term of recoupment of costs, spent for the development and introduction of innovation output to large scale production, has been received in the present paper. Dependencies of inner profitability norm on production duration and relation of investment outlay to annual money flow have been investigated. It has been shown, that the limit value of discount rate, at which the project implementation is reasonable, should not exceed the value of annual money flow relation to costs, spent for the development and introduction in terms of annuity.