Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    International scientific environmental research on sustainable industrial development. The life path of dr. Heinz Leuenberger
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Krusir, Galina; Sagdeeva, Olga; Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
    The article deals with the main scientific priorities of the development of environmental research on sustainable industrial development under the leadership of the international expert in the field of natural resource efficiency and cleaner industrial production, Dr. Heinz Leuenberger, Professor and Senior Advisor at the University of Applied Sciences, Basel (FHNW). Current priorities of his scientific research are green industry, resource efficiency and cleaner production, environmental impact assessments, wastewater, hazardous waste and chemicals management, material flow analysis. Extensive practical research experience and constant work in international projects in the field of environmental protection are aimed at introducing the results into the manufacturing sector of European countries.