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    Міграційна криза в ЄС: проблема безпеки зовнішніх кордонів та загострення міжетнічних
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Луцишин, Галина
    Розглянуто проблему сучасної міграційної кризи в країнах ЄС, основні загрози безпеці зовнішніх кордонів ЄС та загострення міжетнічних конфліктів. Проаналізовано сучасну міграційну політику країн ЄС, проблеми інтеграції мігрантів у європейські суспільства, заходи, які застосовують окремі європейські держави у боротьбі із нелегальною міграцією, а також наголошено на необхідності вдосконалення сучасної міграційної політики країн ЄС, розробки нових умов та принципів адаптації мігрантів. This article covers the problem of the current migration crisis in the EU countries. Special focus is placed on analyzing problems with the security of EU external borders and aggravating inter-ethnic conflicts. The author notes that the migration wave brings along the problem of the integration of migrants in European societies, revives the ethnocentric rhetoric of many European politicians. Further, the theory of multiculturalism is criticized, anti-Islamic sentiment is intensifying, ultra-right and nationalist parties are developing in European countries. Issues such as the protection of EU external borders, a fair allocation of refugees who are already in the European territory among EU countries are especially topical for the EU because today Hungary and Croatia can no longer manage the great numbers of refugees who have crossed their borders. Steps taken by individual European countries against illegal migration, including the decision of the Hungarian government to engage the military in holding back migrants, fail to solve the problem. Liability introduced for refugees crossing the border illegally has low effectiveness. The current situation commands an overhaul of the existing migration policy of EU countries, the development of new conditions and principles of the adaptation of immigrants. Of course, critical elements of the institutionalization of migrants include their national and network organizations. Their Diaspora has a special influence on the integration of migrants in host societies. The objective of the integration of immigrants, which is of top priority for Europeans, is unlikely to involve meaningful concessions for them. Continued tough focus on immigration policy in terms of both individual states. and the overall European Union will only strengthen the antagonism between migrants and native Europeans.
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    Проблема націоналізму у контексті розширення ЄС
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Луцишин, Галина
    Розглянуто проблему націоналізму у контексті розширення ЄС, наголошено, що націоналізм властивий не лише країнам, що розвиваються, а й багатьом демократичним державам Європи. Доведено, що зростання націоналізму в країнах Європи зумовлене значною мірою міграцією народів до Європи з країн Азії та Африки, в результаті чого багато націоналістичних партій виступає за припинення євроінтеграції та збільшення повноважень національних урядів. The article deals with the problem of nationalism in the context of the EU enlargement. It is emphasised that nationalism is characteristic of not only developing countries but also many democracies in Europe. The political program of nationalism is based on a nation obtaining a state and combining its national identity with a territorial one. The practice suggests that at early stages of its development nationalism was treated as a kind of revolutionary ideology and movements. Later it acquired conservative and expansionist features and is currently represented by nationalist parties. The author argues that there are a variety of factors influencing the growth of nationalism in European countries, including a threatened limitation of national sovereignty of EU member states as a result of European integration, legal and illegal migration from Asian and African countries to Europe, more active nationalist parties and movements. The number of European countries where nationalists prevail during elections grows every year (Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Scotland, Ireland, Austria, Greece). Most radical right parties in Europe speak for the suspension of European integration and the return of significant authority to the national governments. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the activities of radical right parties in European countries. For example, a lot of representatives of the radical right parties who are critical about the EU enlargement or even speak for the collapse of the EU were elected to the European Parliament in 2014, including the National Front (France) that has 24 representatives (compared to only three of them in the past), the UK Independence Party with 26% of votes (seeks the UK’s withdrawal from the EU), Danish People’s Party, a Greek radical left party «Syriza» and a neo-fascist radical right party «Golden Dawn». The radical right parties of the Netherlands, Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Finland, Poland, Lithuania and other countries have also won seats in the European Parliament. The support of the Russian Federation policy is another special feature of the European radical right parties. For example, experts of the Political Capital Institute (Hungary) point out that15 out of 25 far-right parties in Europe support Russia.