Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Ways of rational use of water resources in the conditions of post-war reclamation systems in the south of Ukraine
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Marshall, Daniil; Zhukova, Olena; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
    After the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, the problem of restoring damaged areas of reclamation systems and rational use of water resources in the de-occupied territories of southern Ukraine is extremely relevant today. An integral part of solving this problem is the theoretical justification and assessment of filtration losses in damaged areas of open drainage channels with interception of this flow by drainage structures. This study presents a methodology for calculating the filtration losses of water from a main canal that runs in an excavation with a channelside pipe drainage. The calculations take into account the pressure drop on the canal lining. The filtration water losses per linear metre of the main channel of the Ingulets irrigation system were determined, taking into account the filtration resistance of the screen, which is economically feasible to restore from local water-resistant natural materials. In this case, the channel drainage performs two functions. Firstly, it prevents flooding of the territory; secondly, it is possible to use innovative technologies to return part of the filtration effluent for use in various water supply sectors of the region. The research results will allow us to further develop recommendations for effective engineering protection of water resources from pollution and depletion in this region.