Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Financial management of the enterprise economic potential
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-02-28) Yaremko, I.; Kantsir, I.; Plekan, M.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Drawbacks of the basic principles of management of financial and economic potential in the national platform are defined. The mechanism of approximation of modern concepts of financial management of the economic potential is specified and proved. The analysis of principles and tools in the systems of financial management of the intangible potential (intangible assets, brand, customer equity, inner generated goodwill) is carried out and possibilities of their implementation in Ukrainian enterprises are assessed. Author’s opinion regarding the key objects of the financial management of business reputation, intangible assets, and market constituent of the aggregate capital of the enterprises of the national economy is presented, algorithms to measure the intangible constituent of the enterprise value for administrative purposes have been formulated.
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    Using of personalized approach for assessment of the financial condition of the company
    (Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Melnykova, N.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    This paper proposes ways of personalization the process of analysis and management of financial flows of the company that provide definition of strategy for business development. In order to ensure the individual approach have been analyzed the methods of optimization of for making strategic decisions and have been identified peculiarities of their application in this area. This allowed to determine several measures to provide for dynamic changes that occur in the financial condition of the company under the influence of implemented solutions and select the most appropriate decisions to change strategy. For successful implementation, the search of strategy should to provide an individual approach to determining the quality of finances management by taking into account the personal data of activity the company. The modern concept of use of computers and information technology and implementation the expert knowledge provides for the creation of intelligent information systems in specific subject areas: management, audit, statistics etc. Therefore, for solving the basic problems is proposed development of intellectual information system of financial management, which will offer the user optimal options, making for strategy development through intellectual component. As the prototype of such a system is the intelligent information system of financial management (IISFM) that is characterized by a set of informational, technical, programmatic and technological means of telecommunication, knowledge bases and data banks, methods and procedures.
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    Фінансово-економічний інструментарій в управлінні підприємством
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Яремко, І. Й.; Шквір, В. Д.
    Обґрунтовано важливість та актуальність розроблення адаптивної до сучасних умов системи фінансово-економічного інструментарію для управління суб’єктами ринкового управління. Проаналізовано проблеми, пов’язані з недостатньою об’єктивністю наявних оцінно-аналітичних систем і моделей фінансового управління, недоліками у розроблених і пропонованих науковцями підходах до розвитку й удосконалення управлінських інструментів. Сформульовано концептуально-методологічні базові засади удосконалення і надання адаптивності фінансово-економічному інструментарію підприємства. The question related to the use of financial and economic instruments in the management of modern enterprise, including the forecasting of the financial environment of the enterprise, diagnosis strategic financial position, the formation of strategic norms of financial activity. Analyzed the content and adequacy of current conditions and static forecasting systems and models that form the analytical basis for making static optimal management decisions on financial strategy. Substantiated that ensure stable operation conditions of modern market economy largely follows the establishment of adaptive financial and economic instruments due to its theoretical and practical justification. The article substantiates that the timely and objective adjustment directions and use of financial resources set adaptive systemof financial and economic instruments depends on reducing risks and losses due to adverse changes in the parameters of the external and internal environment, strengthening financial and economic position of the company. The article on the theoretical, methodological and instrumental levels revealed conceptual and methodological liability modern financial and economic instruments, its practical feasibility. Considered financial instruments as a major component of financial management, which formed the base on several interrelated elements – regulatory and informational support, financial methods and basic (integral, synthetic indicator) measure used basis for constructing a systemor model. Conceptual orientation methodological basis for improving financial and economic instruments to ensure the objectivity of the information and analytical database management system now. Methodological approach to the formation of an information space diagnostic indicators that a more objective level results provide operational and strategic financial and economic analysis of the enterprise.
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    Теоретичні аспекти управління фінансами виробничо-господарських структур
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2011) Бондарчук, М. К.; Кобилецька, О. І.
    Наведено результати аналізу об'єднань підприємств, що внесені до Єдиного державного реєстру підприємств та організацій України за галузями економіки. Досліджено сутність фінансових ресурсів як об’єкта управління фінансами суб’єктів господарювання, запропоновано визначення фінансових ресурсів ВГС та сформовано класифікацію об’єктів управління фінансами виробночо-господарської структури. The article presents the results of the analysis of the number of associations of enterprises included in the Unified State Register of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine, by sectors of the economy. The essence of the financial resources as the main object of the financial management of entities is investigated, the definitions of financial resources of IES are suggested and the classification of objects of financial management of industrial and economic structure is formed.