Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Forecasting fuel consumption in means of transport with the use of machine learning
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Budzyński, Artur; Sładkowski, Aleksander; Silesian University of Technology
    Транспорт є ключовим чинником, який впливає на викиди парникових газів. У зв’язку з цим, наведено проблеми та виклики, з якими зустрічається транспортна галузь. Розглянуто питання транспортної галузі, пов’язані з Європейською зеленою угодою. Обговорено, наскільки транспортна система є важливою для європейських компаній та глобальних ланцюгів постачання. Проаналізовано також питання, які мають вплив на суспільство з точки зору витрат коштів, зокрема викиди парникових газів та забруднення довкілля. У статті висвітлено матеріали управління транспортними процесами на підприємстві. Прийнято рішення дослідити витрати палива видами транспорту. На основі огляду літературних джерел, визначено 3 категорії характеристик: характеристики автомобілів, водіїв, а також вплив маршруту на витрати палива. Дослідження виконано на основі даних архівів GPS системи моніторингу автомобілів. Вони зібрані на 1890 маршрутах, які здійснювали рух між 30 травня 2020 року та 31 травня 2021 року. На маршрутах працювали 29 водіїв та 8 транспортних засобів. Транспортні засоби – це 40-тонні тягачі з напівпричепами. Наведено аналіз чинників, які впливають на споживання палива. Описано методику отриманих інженерних функцій. Описано переваги методу зменшення споживання палива. Вказано на можливості використання методів прогнозування витрати енергії та водню на різних видах транспорту, включно з громадським транспортом. Дані опрацьовано з використанням бібліотеки “Pandas”. Порівняння моделей виконано з використанням середньої абсолютної похибки. Представлено застосування методів роботи з великими наборами даних. Розрахунки проведено з допомогою бібліотеки “NumPy”. Візуалізація даних – за допомогою моделей “Matplotlib” та “Seaborn. Scikit-Learn”.
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    Вплив кліматичних чинників на витрату палива кар’єрних самоскидів металургійного підприємства
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-02-26) Середа, Б. П.; Муковська, Д. Я.; Sereda, B.; Mukovsk, D.; Дніпровський державний технічний університет
    Розглянуто вплив кліматичних умов на витрату палива для самоскидів в умовах кар’єру металургійного підприємства. Визначено основні кліматичні чинники, що впливають на витрату палива. Одне із головних завдань роботи – встановлення впливу цих чинників на витрату палива.
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    Optimal gear shift algorithm in the car transmission during its deceleration
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-01-29) Hashchuk, Petro; Pelo, Roman; Lviv State University of Life Safety; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    On the way to improving the car one can not avoid the problem of optimal gear shift in stage transmissions. Typically, the gear (stage) shift laws are distinguished, which are optimal because of fuel efficiency, either in terms of dynamics (speed), or in terms of comfort / safety of the car, etc. And all these types of laws are considered to be special, irreducible to each other. Because of this, in the designs of real automotive transmissions, it is often foreseen for the driver to have several automatic control programs at the same time. But everything that is entrusted to the driver is to some extent the subjective negation of automaticity and optimality. The purpose of the work is to refute such very common system of views on the optimality of transmission control as: it turns out there is a single optimal gear shift law, within which there are no contradictions, at least between energy efficiency requirements and the requirements for the dynamics (or performance) of the vehicle. The basis of the research methodology is the fully motivated principle of non-interference of the automatic transmission control system in the choice of the car movement program - a choice that is largely due to the circumstances and road conditions of the vehicle movement. So, optimizing the gear shift laws, it is necessary to consider the movement program to be predetermined (subject only to the driver), and the consequences of forced deviation from it during the operation of the elements of transmission control should be minimized. Specifically, gear shifting is considered during the car deceleration. Direct involvement of the engine in the process of gear changes is envisaged, that is, the implementation of the principle of active synchronization of the rotation speed of separate parts of the transmission on adjacent gears during their shifting. In this case, the transmission of mechanical energy through the transmission is carried out by a continuous flow. The implementation of the dynamic principles of automation also leads to a decrease in the amount of mechanical energy that is transformed into heat during the skid of gear shift elements (frictions, for example). This makes it possible to increase the durability of the gear-shift elements or to impose lighter requirements in the process of designing the transmission. The described algorithm of the optimal transmission control of the car provides grounds for the formation of motivated guidelines for selecting the moments of gear shift also during purely manual control of the car. The obtained results are quite general, although significant simplifications were introduced into the car model. In particular, the scheme of the gearbox, considered to be very simple, actually fully reproduces the principles of work of the mechanical stage transmission of any structure. The process of gear shifting is so fast that the linearized reproduction of the operating modes of the “engine-transmission” system is quite natural and such that it can not distort the idea of the optimal functioning of the engine-transmission system.
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    Operational conditions of vehicles motion and formation of urban driving cycle in the city of Lviv
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-01-01) Vasyuhnyk, Juriy; Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
    To the greatest extent, the indicators of the motor vehicles being in the normative technical state are influenced by the operational conditions, which, in turn, are characterized by road, relief (terrain) and transport conditions. The transport conditions of large cities of Ukraine are characterized by the intensive increase of motor transport, especially individual (private) one, on the street-road network of the city caused a number of problems, such as increased waste of time needed for a trip, increased number of forced stops, increased number of emergencies and road-traffic accidents, the occurrence of traffic jams, chemical and noise pollution of the environment. As the special investigations indicated, the volume of traffic has increased by 1.5…1.8 times in comparison with the data of ten years ago [1]. All this caused the necessity to substantiate the rational use of the power of the motor vehicles engines and to control their ecological indexes in order to reduce the negative influence on the environment. While evaluating the toxicity of the motor vehicles engines, two fundamentally different methods of investigations are being used: testing on steady-state operating conditions with constant parameters of the engine and testing on transient operating conditions when the input parameters are being changed. For the transient conditions, the main conditions of the motor vehicles motion have been identified: motion in the conditions of the city and motion out of its borders. Each of the conditions is characterized by the differences in the percentage of toxic components in the exhaust (burnt) gases. While developing the technique of determination of ecological indexes and parameters of fuel economy (saving) for motor vehicles, a large number of factors, which varies depending on the operating conditions, are considered. This is expedient in the case when the operating conditions are very different considering the typical motion conditions in the region and the several aspects that affect the fuel consumption. One of the main reasons for this is the unsatisfactory state of planning, accounting and standardization of the efficiency of the motor vehicles use. In this approach, the operation indexes are estimated based on not always impartial reporting and statistical data, so the standards are not an impartial factor or a model for the motor vehicles operation. These circumstances substantiate the urgency of the subject of research. While carrying out these investigations, the preliminary analysis of the motion conditions of the motor vehicles in different operating conditions is conducted and the peculiarities of the existing driving cycles of different countries of the world are considered. In order to ensure the determination of the motion conditions of motor vehicles in the conditions of the city of Lviv, the technique of investigations carrying out was developed on the basis of available means. The results of changing the conditions of the motor vehicles motion in the conditions of the city of Lviv were obtained taking into account the motion speed of the motor vehicle, the rotation frequency of the engine crankshaft, the instantaneous fuel consumption and the amount of consumed air. According to the results of the experiments carried out, the main features of the operational conditions of motor vehicles motion in Lviv were determined, the driving cycle for testing the motor vehicle in the conditions of Lviv and the method of comparative analysis of existing and improved driving cycles were developed. The analysis of indexes of existing and developed driving cycles is carried out and the expediency of use of the developed driving cycle is substantiated.