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    Management reporting of the enterprise: content characteristics and specific nature of its formation
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-02-10) Voskresenska, T.; Dzoba, N.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The necessity of management reporting formation by the enterprise with the purpose of providing efficient administrative decisions to increase its competitiveness and achieve strategic goals is examined and substantiated. The basic problems of management reporting formation by the enterprise, which are connected: with the complexity of gathering, substantiation, storage and processing of data are singled out; incomprehensibility of the formation procedure and purpose of the reports, as well as the contradiction and lack of data integrity; insufficient analytical processing of information to support the strategic and operational management decision-making; lack of qualified specialists in the interpretation of management reporting, its analysis and responsibility for management decision-making. The influence of resource provision (financial, informational, methodological, organizational and technical) on the qualitative characteristics of the management reporting system is researched. The possible advantages and disadvantages of management system formation of the enterprise are identified and summarized. The expediency of management reporting formation in accordance with the level of enterprise governance in the context of three generalized types is substantiated: strategic – is provided to top managers during the reporting period or on request; tactical – is provided to linear managers with the appropriate periodicity of the output, operational – is provided to specialists daily or in the current time. It is determined that the combination of reporting under IFRS and management reporting in a single information system will increase the efficiency of the management decisions made on its basis. The conclusions emphasize the need to develop relevant sectoral methodological recommendations, the definition of a targeted methodology for management reporting formation and the establishment of its indicative indicators.
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    Бюджетування в управлінні діяльностю підприємства з капітального інвестування
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Сажинець, С. Й.
    Обґрунтовано доцільність управління діяльністю підприємства з капітального інвестування на засадах автономності та комерціалізації. Запропоновано здійснювати системне управління доходами, витратами та фінансовими результатами цього виду діяльності відокремлено від операційної та інших видів діяльності підприємства. Визначено, що для досягнення цієї мети як найважливіший фінансовий інструмент слід використовувати бюджетування локальних та загальних інвестиційних проектів. Розроблено форми окремих видів бюджетів, наведено методику і приклади їх складання. In a highly competitive market enterprises, to increase production and sales, have to invest heavily in the development of stock capital. They make major construction, reconstruction, modernization, purchase and create their own noncurrent assets and other tangible and intangible fixed assets. Such activity of the company is referred to as the activity of capital investment. Its effective operation requires system management on the principles of autonomy and commercialization. In other words, investment activity should be carried out separately from other types of enterprise activity, produced objects of fixed assets are to be “sold” to the main (operating) activities of the company. In the described system of financial and economic relations leading role should belong to the management of investment project implementation on the basis of budgeting. This process involves budgeting of local investment projects for all objects of future fixed assets. Information on local budgets is subject for generalization to obtain consolidated budgets (by types and groups of non-current assets, business units, construction sites, ways of implementing investment works, sources of financing of capital investments, etc.). The main components of the budget, which will make up the value of investment projects, are to be direct and indirect expenses and profit. Direct budgetary expenses should be differentiated on the following: – Material expenses. Including materials, structures, machinery and industrial equipment, vehicles, tools, appliances, industrial and household equipment, transportation and procurement expenses and other material expenses; – Services. Their value should be directly included into the cost value of investment projects. It is advisable to allocate internal and external service contractors as a part of services; – Base and extra wages to the staff directly engaged in the works on creation of fixed assets; – Deductions for state compulsory social insurance; – Other direct expenses (for production of documents, business trips, etc.). Indirect expenses include: – General investment expenses of the units that perform the construction, manufacturing and improvement of fixed assets and other noncurrent assets; – General administrative expenses. They include the expenses on the maintenance of management system (deputy head of the company on the capital investment, the department of capital investment, etc.) and general administrative departments (warehouse, transport station, etc.), maintaining capital investment activities. Direct expenses should be calculated in accordance with the consumption of materials, contracts, orders and other documents. Indirect costs and profits are to be organized according to the established enterprise standards. Budgets of investment projects shall be used in planning the volume of capital investments, for accounting of actual investment expenses and monitoring the use of enterprise resources.
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    Management accounting of higher education institutions: implementation stages and realization features
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Mamontova, N. A.; Novak, A. F.
    In the article the essence and importance of management accounting in higher education were investigated. The main reasons for the need to actively search for effective methods of organization and management accounting and the peculiarities of its main components were defined. We described the sequence of actions on the implementation of management accounting in higher education and the organization of educational process in accordance with the new methods of decision-making. The functions of the main departments of higher educational institution and their powers under the new conditions of registration have been defined. The strengths and the implementation of management accounting system of principles that should guide the work of the University to the implementation of the educational process was easy and efficient were described. We carried out the analysis of the information and analytical support of accounting in higher education and identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the latter. In the course of its core activities public institutions use the funds of state and local budgets and own revenues to purchase equipment, materials and other resources to ensure their continuous and effective work. Analysis and control over the formation and using of financial resources of budgetary institutions provides accounting system. Reforming accounting of budgetary institutions has been going on for about 10 years, and are constantly significant changes that facilitate the work of the latter. Anchored by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 16.01.07 № 34 “On approval of the Strategy of modernization of the accounting system in the public sector of Ukraine for 2007–2015. 'Directions and objectives are implemented according to plan to build a modern financial accounting subsystem subjects of accounting in the public sector in general and in particular budgetary institutions [1]. Considering the recent innovations in the public sector accounting we should pay more attention to the important accounting subsystem, such as management accounting. An importance of managerial accounting is due to the instability of the financial system of Ukraine and the characteristics of different kinds of budget institutions. To specify the aims and objectives of management accounting and its implementation the subject to research will be universities, as a kind of latter. The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of the organization of management accounting in public institutions, aimed at improving the quality of education needed for further development. The development of such information system may be based on the organization and development of management accounting, designed to provide the necessary objective and operational information all levels of government universities.
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    Методика ідентифікації логістичного центру відповідальності
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Русановська, О. А.
    Досліджено сутність центрів відповідальності, необхідний вид організаційної структури для ефективної роботи центрів відповідальності, класифікацію центрів відповідальності та роль організації логістичних центрів відповідальності як об’єкта управлінського обліку, що спрямований на забезпечення потреб логістичного контролінгу. Визначено потребу в застосуванні логістичного контролінгу на підприємстві. Розроблено методику ідентифікації та забезпечення функціонування логістичних центрів відповідальності як джерела інформації про логістичні процеси підприємства. The essence of responsibility centers required for the type of organizational structure of the centers of responsibility, classification of responsibility centers and the role of logistics centers responsibility as an object of management accounting, which aims to meet the needs of logistics controlling. The needs identified in the application of logistics controlling the company. Built identification method and operation of logistics centers of responsibility as a source of information on logistic processes.
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    Стратегічний управлінський облік як інформаційне підґрунтя стратегічного менеджменту підприємства
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Шевчук, В. Р.
    Завдяки аналізу досліджень вітчизняних та іноземних авторів розкрито сутність стратегічного управлінського обліку, а також представлено його роль як інформаційного підґрунтя прийняття рішень у кожному з п’яти взаємопов’язаних процесів стратегічного менеджменту підприємства, а саме: визначення сфери діяльності і формулювання стратегічних напрямів; постановка стратегічних цілей та задач для їх досягнення; формулювання стратегії для досягнення визначених цілей і результатів діяльності; реалізація стратегічного плану; оцінювання результатів діяльності та зміна стратегічного плану або методів його реалізації. In this scientific paper, by analyzing the research of domestic and foreign authors, defined the essence of strategic management accounting as an information basis for decision-making top-level management, which is to provide managers with all the information necessary for the management and control of business development for the benefit of its owners and other interested partner groups (creditors, customers, suppliers, staff, government and society). Also, the study presents the role of strategic management accounting as an information basis for decision-making in each of the five interrelated processes of strategic management of the enterprise, namely the definition of scope and formulation of strategic directions; setting strategic goals and objectives to be achieved; formulating strategies to achieve these objectives and performance; implementation of the strategic plan; assessment results and changes in the strategic plan or its implementation methods. Particular attention is paid to the value of strategic management accounting in the fifth management process: assessing performance and changes in the strategic plan and its implementation methods. By using tools of strategic management accounting, the company should develop an effective performance evaluation system that focuses on pre-defined parameters (a combination of short and long term financial and non-financial (qualitative) indicators of performance). Once the company has decided are critical indicators of performance should be measured and developed a system that captures these figures, it proceeds to assess progress. As part of the evaluation process execution (performance) is to compare the realized or actual, level of performance with a target level. The difference between the actual and planned levels of performance signals a potential problemthat will require an appropriate response. The emergence of new circumstances forcing the company to make adjustments to strategy development: long-term development direction can be changed with the management and future position of the company reviewed.
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    Інформаційне забезпечення формування витрат енергопостачальної компанії: обліково-аналітичний підхід
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Левицька, І. О.
    Розкрито роль обліково-аналітичної системи в процесі управління витратами енергопостачальної компанії та її особливості в системі управлінського обліку. Досліджено методичні та організаційні підходи формування обліково-інформаційного забезпечення процесу управління витратами. In the article role of accounting-analysis system as process of cost’s management at energy supply company and place of management accounting in this process are highlighted. Components and forming of accounting information provision for cost management is conducted. Determined that reasonableness and prudence of management decisions regarding cost optimization at energy supply companies (primarily those that are included in the tariff structure), largely depends on the quality of information provision of accounting users, their professional knowledge and skills in the use of economic information management. An information provision is the process of satisfying information requests, consisting of continuous preparation and issuing accounting and analytical information in compliance with such requests. We consider that accounting and analytical systems should support synthesis of information on its activities in all accounting subsystems: accounting, tax, management and statistics. Research of management practices of energy supply companies shown that analytical component of management system is a harmonious combination of management accounting with operative analysis. The reason is that management accounting purpose is to conduct a deeper analysis than strictly regulated systematization of entries in the accounts. Information provision for cost management, which form the tariffs for transmission and/or electricity distribution, is deducted as a collection of data obtained from the organization, planning, accounting, analysis and cost control of energy supply company and serve as the foundation for their regulation. The important point, however, remains the integration of management accounting and control into one synergistic system by holding the previous control-analytical processing of financial information within the responsibility centers' “Costs”. The following information resources of information provision for system of costs management are highlighted: the legal and regulatory framework; internal organizational and administrative documentation; primary and consolidated accounting documents; internal and external reporting of accounting, management, tax and statistical subsystems; software and hardware. As a result of effectively implemented system of management accounting the major source of information is the internal management reporting detalization cost which is provided through a structured, analytical enough work plan accounts. The defining control instrument over the formation of the operating costs of transmission and/or electricity distribution is budgeting (quarterly, semi-annual, annual).
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    Класифікація соціально відповідальної діяльності підприємства у процесі сталого розвитку для цілей управлінського обліку
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Усатенко, О. В.
    Здійснено порівняння понять «соціальна відповідальність» і «сталий розвиток» для визначення об’єктів управлінського обліку соціально відповідальної діяльності підприємства у процесі сталого розвитку. Визначено складові загального глобального процесу врівноважених, поступальних змін під час сталого розвитку та складові соціальної відповідальності як внутрішньої політики підприємства. Класифіковано соціально відповідальну діяльність підприємства з погляду можливих об’єктів управлінського обліку та їх характеристик. Two concepts of social responsibility and sustainable development aimed at finding out objects of managerial accounting for socially responsible activity of companies during their sustainable development were compared. The main components of the global process of balanced and gradual changes, as well as elements of the social responsibility, as the internal policy of companies, were outlined. It will allow companies to solve the problem of the accurate definition of strategic goals implying sustainable development, social responsibility and economic results. To organize managerial accounting for socially responsible activity of companies during their sustainable development, we need to provide a definition and analyze different attributes of the notion. When considering analysis itself, we usually mean splitting information about a certain object for finding its details and components, establishing their relationships with other elements for further analysis, development and forecasting. As a result of such analysis, we created a classification of socially responsible activity of companies from the point of possible objects and their characteristics of managerial accounting. The more correct classification a company has the more accurate accounting management it achieves. It allows providing valuable information about the object of accounting, showing data structure and viewing the object of accounting from different points. It also encourages the process of taking decisions about calculation of costs and operating incomes, as well as cash flows gained due to socially responsible activity.
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    Стратегічний контролінг в системі управління підприємством
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010) Гребешкова, О. М.; Кизенко, О. О.
    Узагальнено та систематизовано теоретичні засади впровадження стратегічного контролінгу в систему управління підприємством. Запропоновано виділяти та охарактеризовано три типи концептуальної орієнтації контролінгу. Доведено, що як управлінська концепція контролінг являє собою специфічну конфігурацію системи прогнозу майбутнього підприємства з індивідуальним набором інструментів стратегічного управління, що трансформується відповідно до розмірів підприємства і підходів до передбачення майбутнього. The article summarizes and systematizes theoretical framework of strategic controlling in system of management of an enterprise. It highlights and describes three types of controllings conceptual orientation. It is grounded that as a management concept controlling is the specific configuration of system of predicting the future of enterprises with individual set of strategic management tools which transform according to business’ size and approach to predicting the future.
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    Теоретико-методологічні аспекти формування системи управлінського обліку на промислових підприємствах
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2011) Плотніченко, І. Б.; Акіншина, О. В.
    Досліджено основний зміст оперативного та стратегічного управлінського обліку як механізму підвищення ефективності діяльності підприємств. Визначено переваги та необхідність впровадження управлінського обліку на вітчизняних підприємствах. Сформовано та розкрито етапи створення й функціонування (впровадження і розвитку) системи управлінського обліку на підприємстві. The article investigates the main content of operational and strategic management accounting as a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of enterprises. Advantages and necessity of introduction of management accounting in domestic enterprises . Formed and revealed stages of creation and functioning (the introduction and development) management accounting system in the enterprise.
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    Позитивна теорія обліку: сучасність та перспектива
    (Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Куцик, П. О.
    Розглянуто зміст позитивної теорії обліку, яка в останні десятиріччя набула широкої популярності у професійних бухгалтерських колах. Зроблено огляд передумов виникнення цієї концепції, визначено відмінності від нормативної теорії обліку. Досліджено також вплив позитивної теорії обліку на розвиток управлінського обліку. In this article the contents of Positive Theory of Accounting, which in recent decades has gained popularity in professional accounting society, are reviewed. Main predictors of this concept are reviewed and differencies from Normative Theory of Accounting are indicated. The influence of Positive Theory of Accounting on the development of management accounting іs investigated.