Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Environmentally safe reclamation of solid waste landfills
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Grechanik, Ruslan; Malovanyy, Myroslav; Korbut, Mariia; Petrushka, Kateryna; Luchyt, Liubov; Boyko, Ruslan; Synelnikov, Serhiy; Bordun, Ihor; Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University; Armed Forces of Ukraine; Czestochowa University of Technology
    The main stages of the reclamation of solid waste landfills have been considered. The processes that limit ensuring the ecological safety of reclamation have been identified. In particular, three stages that may be hazardous for the environment have been highlighted: leachate treatment, preparation of soil or substrate for biological reclamation, and preparation of seeds and planting material. Leachate treatment by the aeration method in an aerated lagoon is recommended. The prospect of using such a process has been investigated in laboratory conditions. To ensure the prolonged release of nutrients in the reclamation layer, it is suggested to use encapsulated fertilizers. The effectiveness of the encapsulated fertilizer covered with a PET shell has been studied. For afforestation using high-quality planting material, the use of in vitro microcloning technology is proposed. The perspective of the method is shown in the example of microcloning of the white mulberry Morus alba L.
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    Modeling and forecasting of the state of the environment in the waste management and management system consumption of Kremenchuk urban territorial community in Wartim
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Titova, Anna; Kharlamova, Olena; Shmandiy, Volodymyr; Bezdeneznych, Lilija; Rigas, Tetyana; Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradsky National University
    We consider waste management and management as an area of ​​ecological safety. As a result of the study, the ecological aspects of this branch of activity were analyzed on the example of the operation of the operating MSW landfill in the city of Kremenchuk. The prospective direction of the field of waste management in the region, as well as the state of its financing, are taken into account. Such dangerous factors in the operation of the municipal landfill for the environment as: pollution of groundwater and open dumps of the landfill have been identified. The chemical composition of the leachate formed in the body of the landfill was evaluated and the concentrations of pollutants were compared with the permissible values ​​in wastewater discharged to the city sewer. Priority measures for landfill reclamation were proposed. We analyzed solid household waste landfills from the point of view of resource-energy saving, as an alternative source of energy thanks to the use of generated biogas, as well as extracted secondary resources.
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    Environmental safety management of substandard pesticide residues and remediation and reclamation of contaminated soil
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019-02-26) Petruk, Roman; Katkov, Mykhailo; Vinnytsia National Technical University; O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
    In Ukraine, there is still a great number of unused, unidentified and substandard pesticide preparations (PPs) and other toxic substances which have an extremely dangerous impact on humans and other living ecosystems and the environment. Besides, more than 75 thousand tons of pesticides are imported and produced annually in Ukraine, but some of them are not used during the period of their suitability. Consequently, when stored mostly in dilapidated warehouses and repositories of agrochemicals, as well as in the open areas, they fall into underground and ground water, and then through trophic chains into the organisms of living systems, causing severe poisoning and diseases. We note that till now, the problem of unsuitable PPs was solved only in the context of their utilization or export for processing outside the state, while the rest of this ecological problem – the restoration of soils and the remediation of contaminated lands at the state level, is not virtually solved. Therefore, the substantiation of the scientific and practical aspects of environmental safety management of such remediation processes is on time.