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    Оцінювання інноваційного розвитку машинобудівних підприємств за допомогою методології виробничих функцій
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Скворцов, Д. І.
    Досліджуються питання можливості використання методології виробничих функцій під час економічного оцінювання інноваційності розвитку машинобудівних підприємств. Вплив науково-технічного прогресу проявляється у тому, що на заміну старої технології приходить нова. А оскільки технологія описується виробничими функціями, то послідовними змінами функцій можна дослідити і вплив науково-технічного прогресу. Особливістю такого застосування є використання класичних методів виробничих функцій на мікрорівні – окреме підприємство. The rapid changes in science and technology determine the need for innovative models of development of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises. But in the economic literature on evaluation and modeling of innovative development at the enterprise level is not open. This is because the simulation of scientific and technological progress is mainly engaged in the study of macroeconomic processes. Therefore it is extremely important to the development of innovative assessment methods for modeling of microeconomic processes, ie for the study of individual enterprise. The first model of the innovative type of evaluation was proposed R. Solou. According to this model the main factors of economic growth (savings rate, the growth rate of scientific and technological progress and population) were evaluated separately (empirically) and included as individual performance. This line of research evaluating innovative development in the economic literature called “theory of exogenous development." Improving the efficiency of economic systems under the “theory of exogenous development” does not depend on the growth of investment and the number of labor involved, and is a separate independent process. That such a process is autonomous and called “independent (neutral) scientific and technical process.” Traditionally considered three types of neutrality by Hicks, Harrod and Solow. Simulation neutral conditions of scientific and technological progress by Hicks, Harrod and Solow compared consist of two businesses - a benchmark the existing and new (innovative). Since all of these kinds of scientific and that for this type of enterprise-level match situation where, along with conditional existing enterprise (unit shop), which correspond to the output indicators established new (typical for areas where it is not possible to stop the production process). Thus, in the article the possibility of using the methodology of production functions for modeling microeconomic processes, including scientific and technical progress for Hicks. Undoubtedly, these models are a significant contribution to economic theory. However, it is inherent one drawback that is inherent in all production methodology funk¬tsiy - they do not establish the link between the cost of resources and the result (profit). These are classic models to describe the economy in which businesses operate for productive activities as such, that is making the necessary products to make a profit without purpose (characteristic of plannedadministrative economy). While further research is necessary to apply adequate economic models that meet the real development of economic systems. Such a development is most relevant innovative development of manufacturing process, which suggested Kalecki.
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    Інституційно-економічний механізм забезпечення інноваційного розвитку суспільства в умовах поглиблення техноглобалізму
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Чернявська, О. І.
    Досліджено економічні та інституційні механізми, які сприяють розвитку сфери науки, техніки та інновацій. Також визначено роль міжнародних інституцій ООН у сучасних процесах техноглобалізму та головну увагу зосереджено на необхідності перегляду деяких інституційних та регуляторних функцій ООН. Автором виявлено суперечливий характер наслідків техноглобалізму на сучасному етапі розвитку світового господарства. The article is devoted to the research of economic and institutional mechanisms that stimulate science, technologies and innovations. On the basis of the analysis of main features of global technological development at the present stage, the author researched the activity of international institutions like the UNO which could be effective in solving global problems of technological development and also discovered the institutional providing of innovation activity under extending technoglobalism and as the main condition of sustainable economic development. The author has revealed a contradictory character of consequences of technoglobalism and also analyzed its several basic forms in which this process developed in the end of ХХ and at the beginning of ХХІ centuries. Thus, development of technoglobalism is of use for most countries, as revolutionary technologies cause less harm to the environment than the technologies which were resource-intensive and contaminated the environment. At the same time a lot of countries, especially developing, are often deceived and place production facilities dangerous for the environment on their territories. As we know, technoglobalism changed not only scales and pattern of production in the developed industrial countries but also had noticeable global influence on quality of life, mutual relations of people and their attitude towards environment. At the same time, powerful potential of new scientific and technical achievements is not always used for the benefit of mankind. However, in spite of that today the mankind doesn’t have other alternative except subsequent intensification of process of global technological development because of the gradual exhaustion of present natural resources, growth of planet population and ecological problems. One of modern features of formation of technoglobalism is deepening the global problems of technological development, i.e. contradiction between society and nature represented by the contradiction of scientific and technological progress, which is the source of such problems. That is why in the end of the ХХth century sharp necessity to minimize the technogenic impact of human civilization on environment appeared, above all, applying resource saving, ecologically clean and waste-free technologies in industry; introduction of new types of alternative energy; use of hybrid transport and technologies of clean car etc. So, the newest achievements and results of modern scientific and technological progress became key to economic development and contributed to the deepening of globalization processes, especially in a scientific and technological sphere. Change to the new technological method of production, to high, science-intensive technologies, rapid and wide distribution of information communication technologies, which will eliminate barriers on the way to movement of commodities, services, capitals are basic motive forces, which stipulate the process of globalization, both economic and technological in particular. From the initial stage of origin of technoglobalism powerful technical and technological changes took place in different industries of national economy, its structure and principles of placing productive forces of society (the rates of their development were considerably accelerated) changed and resulted in a considerable economic revival in the developed industrial countries. In world economic development a transition took place gradually from the capitalism of «free competition» to the monopolistic one. The process of concentration of capital in sectors of heavy industry resulted in creation of large industrial objects. This period was characterized by formation of world currency and credit markets, the international division of labor increased, the importance and intensity of the international trade grew sharply, especially in technology-intensive industries. Thus, revolutionary transformations in the sphere of science and technology gradually gained global character. More and more often the key role of technological factor is noticed in the process of the economy growth of most countries in the world.
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    Технологічна безпека України у глобальному інноваційному просторі XXI сторіччя
    (Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2008) Антоненко, Л. А.; Дера, К. А.
    Досліджено зміст технологічної безпеки України у глобальному інноваційному просторі XXI століття. В основі авторського підходу лежить розуміння технологічної безпеки у двох взаємозв’язаних аспектах. З одного боку, технологічна безпека є ключовою складовою економічної безпеки; з іншого – технологічна безпека є результатом реалізації державою передбаченої моделі інноваційного розвитку. This articlе views the convents of technological security of Ukraine within global innovation space of the 21st century. The two interconnected aspects of technological security understanding form the basis for author’s approach. On the hand the technological security is one the key constituents of the economy security. On the other hand technological security is the innovation development model implementation anticipated by the state.